Doosan signs a contract with’Kim Jae-ho’, will it be Yu Hee-Kwan’s ’10 consecutive wins for 8 years?’ [MK시선] MK Sports Reporter Ahn Juncheol
Professional baseball Doosan Bears succeeded in catching rabbits in 2021. The third internal free agency contract was completed by signing a contract with Kim Jae-ho (36), a free agent (FA). Only Yoo Hee-kwan (35) and Lee Yong-chan (31), who were the ones of the selection, remain among the seven who obtained FA qualification last season. Now, attention is focused on Yu Hee-Kwan’s contract, which has consistently won double-digit victories.
Doosan announced on the 8th that it had completed a free agency contract with Kim Jae-ho for a total of 2.5 billion won for three years. Kim Jae-ho, who joined Doosan with the first nomination in 2004, obtained his first free agency qualification in December 2016, and signed a contract with Doosan for 4 years for 5 billion won.
Doosan, which is advancing into the Korean series every year from 2015 to 2020, has acquired FA status after the 2020 season ended. Recently, there were many prospects that it was difficult to keep the power of the parent company.

Yoo Hee-Kwan won a double-digit victory for 8 consecutive seasons under the Doosan Bears.  Photo = MK Sports DB
Yoo Hee-Kwan won a double-digit victory for 8 consecutive seasons under the Doosan Bears. Photo = MK Sports DB

But surprisingly, he is making a save. Jae-il Oh (35) moved to Samsung Lions and Joo-Hwan Choi (33) moved to SK Wyverns, but Gyeong-min Heo (31) and Sue Bin (31) Succeeded in renewing the contract with a long-term contract option. As the FA market opens with Kim Jae-ho renewing the contract, the expectation that there is a high possibility of renewing a contract with the exception of one or two is correct.
Now, two of the players who have obtained free agency status at Doosan remain unsigned. This is Yu Hee-gwan and Lee Yong-chan. Unfortunately, both are pitchers.
In particular, it is of interest whether Yoo Hee-gwan will be able to wear a Doosan uniform in the 2021 season and challenge a double-digit victory and a career victory of 100. Yoo Hee-Kwan, who graduated from Chung-Ang University in 2009 and joined Doosan (ranked 42 in the second round of the 6th round), was classified as an A grade after obtaining FA for the first time.
The advantages of Yu Hee-Kwan are clear. Since taking 10 wins in 2013, which was the first year of full-time first year of the first team, in 2020, he has achieved double-digit wins for eight consecutive years with 10 wins. There are many gazes as a result of durability and self-care. Yoo Hee-gwan is not fast enough to be able to represent it with the word’slow aesthetics’, but has kept the focus of Doosan’s selection with elaborate rituals and fights with others.

However, there are many analyzes that the fact that FA A grade is not attractive in the market at the age of mid-30s. Due to age, contracts longer than 4 years are not easy. Moreover, although he won 10 wins, the recent decline is also an obstacle. In the 2020 season, the average ERA was only 5.02, and the P OPS (on base percentage + batting average) was high at 0.869. Most of all, the presence in autumn baseball has faded. He started in the fourth round of the playoffs with KTWiz, but did not fill one inning, and was included in the entry in the NC Dinos and the Korean Series, but did not get on the mound.
There is an opinion that the use of the widest Jamsil Stadium as a home is also a reason for the delay in news of Yu Hee-gwan’s contract. It is advantageous to pitchers, and Doosan defenders are the strongest in the league, so there are many cases that have benefited from defense. It is difficult to guarantee that the advantage of starting left-handers can be maximized if the team has a weak defense and has a small stadium.
In the case of Yu Hee-gwan, the dominant gaze of baseball is that the possibility of remaining in Doosan is high. Of course, the speed of negotiation and the conclusion of the negotiation depend on the terms of the contract. What is clear is that the Doosan club has more room to spare. [email protected][ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
