Doo-soon Cho Received 1.2 million won in welfare benefit from January

[사진 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진 = 연합뉴스]

Cho Doo-soon, who was released in December of last year, has been confirmed to receive welfare benefits of about 1.2 million won per month since last month.

It was reported on the 2nd that Ansan City had passed the evaluation of qualifications for receiving basic living security for the Cho Doo-soon couple at the end of last month. Cho Doo-soon applied for welfare benefits through public officials in Ansan, who visited the house on December 17 last year, right after release.

The welfare benefits received by the couple are about 1.2 million won, including a basic pension of 300,000 won for those 65 years of age or older, and a basic living wage of 620,000 won (for two people) with a spouse and a housing benefit of about 260,000 won. The first payment was made in January. Upon receiving salary in January, the Cho Doo-soon couple also received some of the welfare benefits for December.

It is known that the evaluation of Cho Doo-soon reflects the fact that he meets the age requirements and does not have the ability to work. In the examination of wives, it seems that they were selected for payment in consideration of the fact that although they are under 65 years of age, employment is difficult, health status is poor, and external access is difficult. Cho Doo-soon has not come out of the house except for one time after being released from the prison.

Ansan City’s position is that it is difficult to disclose it because it is personal information, such as whether or not to select welfare benefits for the couple. However, in principle, it is explained that payment cannot be made if the conditions are met.

After the fact of applying for welfare benefits for Jo Doo-soon, a sexual offender for a child, was known, opposition was booming. At that time, there was also a report on the Blue House national petition saying that it was against payment.

[김경택 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
