Don’t really marry singer Bi Ziyang

Singer rain

“Don’t marry a real kid. Imagine that Ziyang gave birth to Ziyang.”

Singer Rain was astonished by his appetite, which he witnessed directly in front of his eyes while preparing a dish for eating YouTuber Ziyang.

On the 7th, the YouTube channel’Season B Season’ revealed’Ziyang, eating a whole mart next to Dieter B'(feat.

Rain guessed that even though Ziyang, who appeared as a guest, wore a mask, only his voice was “It’s not Ziyang.” He said he enjoyed Ziyang’s YouTube while exercising every night.

Singer rain

Before his comeback, Rain, who is having one meal a day for body care, roasted T-bone steak and flesh meat for Ziyang to eat for himself. In addition, Ziyang quickly ate tuna, salmon, etc., showing off the appearance of a eating YouTuber.

Ziyang, who was eating alone, was sorry to ask him to eat a bite to Rain, who was grilling meat.

In fact, Ziyang ate all the meat in an instant, and when he saw it, Rain was surprised, saying, “Wait a minute! Have you finished eating the meat?”

Rain immediately said, “Don’t marry a real girl. Think Ziyang gave birth to Ziyang” and said, “‘Dad eat meat today,’ and that day I’ll get rid of it.”

Singer rain

Rain asked, “Why did you say you are retiring?” and Ziyang replied, “In fact, the broadcast doesn’t fit well. When I live, everyone says’no jam’.”

Then, Rain advised, “It should taste smoothly like a gomtang that lets you see even if it’s still there,” and Ziyang said, “It’s a bit salty,” and embarrassed Rain.

On this day, if the purchase amount was matched, if the production team did not match the card, the moment she had to pay with her own card, she made the production team to collapse by exactly 780,000 won. The production crew said, “The real one is…” and was surprised by the eyes of the rain.

Rain sang, “I’m not the one who just came here.”

Reporter Lee Mi-na [email protected]

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