“Don’t hang up your lifeline” SNS parlor at far right sues Amazon

“It’s like the hospital shut down the patient’s life support device.” A social network service (SNS)’parlor’, mainly used by American far-right and conservatives, filed a lawsuit against Amazon. This is a response to Amazon’s cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services (AWS), notifying that it has stopped web hosting services for parlors.

12 days , <로이터 통신> According to foreign media reports, Parlor criticized the decision to suspend AWS’s web hosting service as a result of Amazon’s political politics, and filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for an order to maintain the account.

Photo = Parlor

Founded in 2018, the parlor is reportedly funded by President Trump’s major supporter, Rebecca Mercer and conservatives. User content is not sanctioned because it guarantees freedom of expression. It suddenly emerged. In particular, after pro-Trump protesters invaded the federal assembly on the 6th, Twitter and Facebook have suspended President Trump’s account and blocked related posts, emerging as an alternative SNS for Trump supporters.

However, the problem arose when suspicions were raised that the parlor was used in preliminary simulations by Trump supporters during the invasion of Congress. Google and Apple blocked parlor apps from being downloaded from the app market. The reason was that “the threat of violence and illegal activity is unacceptable”. This was the same behind Amazon’s decision to stop cloud services. Despite postings inciting violence, the parlor is not taking active management measures. The parlor said, “(Stop providing the cloud) is trying to kill the fast-growing parlor.”

Meanwhile, on the same day, Facebook announced that it would delete all inflammatory posts containing the phrase “Stop the steal” used by those involved in the congressional invasion. It also said that it has no plans to lift the ban on President Trump’s account. On the 8th, Twitter permanently suspended the Trump account, which has over 88 million followers.
