‘Don’t distort comfort women with game theory’…Nobel Prize winners also criticized Ramsay

Joint statement of Nobel Prize winners… “Game theory can’t justify distortion”

Game theory authority Milgrum·Ross criticizes Ramsay… “I think of the denial of the massacre of the Jews”

Nobel laureate Professor Paul Milgram/AP Yonhap News
Professor Alvin Ross./EPA Yonhap News

Two American economists who won the Nobel Prize in Economics for their game theory issued a statement criticizing Harvard Professor Mark Ramsayer, who justified the recruitment of comfort women in the Japanese military.

Stanford University Business School Professor Paul Milgram and Harvard Business School Professor Alvin Ross issued a statement on the 28th (current period) and pointed out that “game theory cannot rationalize Professor Ramsey’s arguments.”

They emphasized, “Whether Professor Ramsey’s historical interpretation of the victims of Japanese military comfort women is justified will be judged by the evidence,” and emphasized that “the evidence cannot be reversed with a simple game theory model.”

The two professors introduced the fact that they shared their opinions on Professor Ramsey’s thesis and said, “It reminds me of the denial of the genocide of Jews in Nazi Germany. It was very painful.”

Professor Milgram is a scholar recognized as an authority in various fields of economics such as auction and incentive theory, industrial economics, economic history, and game theory.

Last year, he jointly won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his auction theory, which studies the characteristics of the auction market and people’s behavior.

Prof. Ross also co-winning the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2012 for his research in the field of market design along with game theory.

Earlier, Harvard University economics professor Eric Maskin, who jointly won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics for’Structural Design Theory’, a field of game theory, signed a criticism of Professor Ramsey for academics.

As Nobel Prize winners in Economics have repeatedly criticized Professor Ramsey, the logical loopholes in the thesis of the’Gender Contract in the Pacific War’ published in the International Review of Legal Economics (IRLE) are expected to emerge.

In this paper, Professor Ramsayer, who majored in law, rationalized the Japanese military comfort women contract using the game theory of economics.

Prostitution on the battlefield was a rational contract that was concluded by women requesting large advance payments, taking into account the risk of work and the possibility of damage to honor. Elsevier, the Dutch publisher of IRLE, is expected to publish a printed copy of Professor Ramsey’s thesis soon.

Meanwhile, an Israeli scholar who prevented Professor Ramzier’s dissertation of the massacre of Koreans from the Great Kanto Earthquake from being published in international journals visited the Comfort Women’s Girl Award.

On the 28th (local time), Professor Alon Harrell, a law school professor at Hebrew University, who is co-editor of an academic journal published by the University of Cambridge in the UK on the subject of “privatization,” sent a photo taken with the girl’s statue to a funny historian Jin-hee Lee, a professor of history at Eastern Illinois State University.

In an email, Professor Harrell attached a photo with a message saying, “I visited the Comfort Women in Berlin today” without any explanation.

He is a person who recently received repeated criticism from Professor Jin-hee Lee that Professor Ramsey’s thesis distorts history, acknowledged it as “a very regrettable mistake,” and decided to take corrective action.

According to Professor Harrell’s decision, Professor Ramsey’s dissertation that distorted the Korean massacre was deleted from the pre-public site SSRN.

In addition, the editorial staff delivered very specific and critical comments to Professor Ramsey, and Professor Ramsey is known to have indicated that he would considerably revise the thesis accordingly.

It seems that Professor Harrell sent a photo of visiting the girl statue to Professor Lee to admit his mistake once again and to emphasize the position that Professor Ramsayer’s distorting history will not be allowed to appear in the original journal.

/ Reporter Kihyuk Kim [email protected]

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