Doctor who received AZ vaccination “A fever of 38 degrees or more after 10 hours… serious sequelae”

“I was given a high fever of 38 degrees or higher, chills, and headache 10 hours after I was injected with the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine on the 4th. (omitted) In fact, the doctor who received the vaccine a day before me was taken to the emergency room for sequelae. Even though I prepared for it, (vaccine sequelae) came worse than I thought.”

AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine review.  YouTube capture of'Busan Doctor Wonjang Kim'

AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine review. YouTube capture of’Busan Doctor Wonjang Kim’

An incumbent doctor who had been vaccinated against the AZ novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) confessed that the sequelae caused by the vaccination was “greater than I thought.”

On the 9th, a video titled’AstraZeneca vaccination honest side effects review’ was uploaded on a YouTube channel run by a rehabilitation medicine specialist Gyeong-Ryeol Kim.

Late AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccination.  YouTube capture of'Busan Doctor Wonjang Kim'

Late AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccination. YouTube capture of’Busan Doctor Wonjang Kim’

Specialist Kim said, “I woke up from a chill at around 1 o’clock in the morning. The highest body temperature was 38.7 degrees.”

In this video, Kim’s thermometer went between 37 and 38 degrees.

Specialist Kim said, “I got better after taking the medicine,” he said. “I prepared three medicines, but Tylenol was the most effective personally.”

“70% of 30 people around them suffer from side effects of the vaccine”

He also shared the results of asking his doctors and patients about side effects of the vaccine.

Specialist Kim said, “I asked other friends after going to work after taking medicine, and 70% of 30 people had side effects and 60% said they had symptoms similar to my own,” he said. “It seems that the symptoms were more severe than the general flu.”

“Especially, young people in their early twenties to early forties complained of severe symptoms, and those in their 50s and over had unexpectedly passed without any symptoms,” he said. However, he said, “Not all young people have side effects, and two people in their 20s have no side effects,” he said.

“Personally, if AZ vaccination starts in earnest starting this week, many of you are likely to complain of severe flu-like symptoms,” said Dr. Kim. “There will be considerable rejection to the vaccine.”

“Since the vaccine’s effectiveness does not last for more than a few years, I think that most people would not be convinced if they had to get a vaccine with these side effects every year,” he said.

“I need to form a group immunity…I will not avoid the second vaccination”

However, specialist Kim said, “Nevertheless, I think that healthy people should get AZ vaccination to form collective immunity now. We have only this vaccine. I will not avoid the second vaccination. I will take the vaccine. If you keep hitting it, it will also give you side effects.”

However, he said, “It is better to inoculate patients with underlying diseases such as heart disease after safety confirmation,” he said. “Because the people who have died so far are patients with underlying diseases who received the AZ vaccine.”

In the end, he added, “The story I talked about today is just a personal review with no scientific basis.”

Netizens who watched the video said, “Thank you for the later video. I’m nervous about 70% of the side effects. I’m a 58-year-old woman, but I’m a 58-year-old woman who suffers from 2 nights and 3 days, and (vaccine sequelae) seems to get better.” The other staff in our hospital commented, “If the drug’s efficacy fell even after taking antipyretic drugs three times, it was difficult to get a fever again.”

Reporter Shin Hye-yeon [email protected]
