“Do that much. It’s a little bit”… President Moon raises suspicion of his sister-in-law

President Moon Jae-in [사진 제공=연합뉴스]

picture explanationPresident Moon Jae-in [사진 제공=연합뉴스]

President Moon Jae-in criticized the opposition party’s suspicion of the site of a sister-in-law in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, saying, “I understand it is the time of the election, but that’s what it is.”

President Moon posted such a post on Social Network Service (SNS) on the 12th. President Moon continued, “The president’s money is used to buy and build land, but since it is combined with security facilities, the president only lives and cannot dispose of it.”

In addition, he added, “If you look at former President Roh Moo-hyun’s Sister Bongha, you can see it,” he added. “All procedures are proceeding according to the law.”

SNS capture of President Moon Jae-in

picture explanationSNS capture of President Moon Jae-in

Prior to this, the power of the people argued that there was some farmland in the land that President Moon purchased for the purpose of living after retirement, and that it was a violation of the Farmland Law.

Former National Power Supreme Commissioner Lee Jun-seok also said on his Facebook page on the 7th, “The president of a country bought farmland and asked if it was a violation of the Farmland Law. Can I do it?” he criticized.

On the 12th, former Supreme Commissioner Lee Jun-seok said to President Moon’s social media, “I am embarrassed, too. He also commented, “The President, a farmer with 11 years of experience.”

On the 9th, Rep. Ahn Byung-gil also raised the suspicion of the sister-in-law on social media on the 9th, saying, “The decree of President Moon Jae-in’s disrespect to strict the LH incident sounds very empty. .

Assemblyman Ahn said, “President Moon stated that he had 11 years of farming experience in the agricultural management plan, but it turned out that it was on asphalt.” “What is different from the LH employees who acquired and speculated?”

Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok emphasized that “there is no illegal or expedient” in a written briefing on the same afternoon.

In addition, “The purchase of the site for the president’s sister’s residence is legally proceeding in accordance with the relevant laws and procedures such as the Farmland Act.” “We obtained permission to acquire the farmland according to the procedures stipulated in the Farmland Act. It’s not different from that,” he added.

[최기성 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
