Divorce increased in every economic crisis, but… The’corona crisis’ was different


Divorces increased whenever there were economic crises such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) foreign exchange crisis, credit card crisis, and global financial crisis, but divorce seems to have declined last year when the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) crisis hit.

On the 13th, Yonhap News analyzed the number of divorces by year among the population trends of Statistics Korea. During the economic crisis, the number of divorces tended to increase compared to the previous year.

Demographic Trends Since 1981, when divorce statistics were calculated, the year in which the number of divorces increased the most compared to the previous year was 1998, when the IMF crisis was affected.

The number of divorces increased from 91,000 in 1997 to 116.294 in 1998, an increase of 27.6%. The number of divorces per year, which was below 100,000 cases, jumped to 100,000 cases since 1998.

In 2003, when there was a card turmoil, the number of divorces was 166,000, the highest since statistics. The increase rate was also high at 15.0% compared to the previous year (144,000,910 cases).

The increase in the number of divorces between 1998 and 2003 was 1.0% in 1999, 1.7% in 2000, 12.7% in 2001, and 7.7% in 2002. In 2003, the increase rate of divorces was the highest since 1998.

From 2004 to 2008, the number of divorces declined for 5 consecutive years, up 6.4% from the previous year (11,6535) to 12,3999 in 2009, when the aftermath of the global financial crisis.

After that, until 2019, the number of divorces declined or increased from the previous year, but the increase did not exceed 3%.

However, it is analyzed that the number of divorces decreased compared to the previous year, unlike the past crisis, last year, when the economy was hit as much as the IMF crisis and the global financial crisis by the Corona 19 crisis.

The number of divorces from January to November last year was 9,7331, down 4.2% from 10,1662 in the same period in 2019.

The annual number of divorces in 2019 is 11,831. Although the figures for December 2020 have not yet been released, considering that the number of divorces per month from January to November was 7,000 to 9000, it is very likely that the number of divorces will be less than in 2019.

Unlike other economic crises, the reasons why the number of divorces did not increase in the Corona 19 crisis are the decrease in the number of marriages and the adjournment of the court due to social distancing.

An official of the National Statistical Office said, “The proportion of divorces in marriages less than five years or more than 20 years is high, and since marriages themselves have decreased significantly within the last five years, divorces may not have increased much in the last year even during the economic crisis.”

“There is also a decrease in divorce from an administrative perspective due to the distance from Corona 19.” “He added.


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