Dismissal secretary sung by “Ryu Ho-jeong assailant” “Difference in work orientation? What I don’t like”

Ryu Ho-jeong, a member of Justice Party.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Ryu Ho-jeong, a member of Justice Party. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

An attendant secretary who was dismissed while working in the House of Justice Ryu Ho-jeong took the issue of’unfair dismissal’ of Rep. He even referred to Ryu as the perpetrator.

According to political circles on the 31st, the former secretary of Rep. Ryu, a national member of the Justice Party, revealed his position at the party’s national committee held the day before.

He called Rep. Ryu the perpetrator of unfair dismissal and said that it is difficult to say that the problem has been resolved. Rep. Ryu said he was not aware of the problem and did not apologize for procedural defects in violation of the Labor Law. This is contrary to what Rep. Ryu said in his position on the 29th, “There was a process of consensus and the misunderstanding was resolved.”

He also said, “I hate it,” when Rep. Ryu mentioned the’propensity difference’ as a reason for dismissal. Nevertheless, he said he would try to solve the problem between the parties.

At the meeting that day, it was reported that Rep. Ryu showed little reaction.

On the 29th, a member of the Justice Party revealed on Facebook that “Rep. Ryu violated the labor law by not complying with the usual dismissal period in the process of dismissing his secretary and notifying him 7 days in advance.” Rep. Ryu also demanded the resignation.

On the same day, Rep. Ryu said, “There was a procedural mistake,” and “The seventh-level secretary in charge of the work in the office was dismissed in mid-December last year. About) The misunderstanding was resolved, but it was difficult to continue working together.”

Reporter Juhee Hong [email protected]
