Disease Administration “Simultaneous vaccination at 9 am tomorrow…Everyone is No. 1”

Input 2021.02.25 14:13

On the morning of the 23rd, a mock training session for the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccination was held at the auditorium in Sohnuri, Nam-gu, Gwangju for nursing home workers and residents, and medical staff are practicing rehearsal. /yunhap news

The government announced on the 26th that the whole country will start vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) at the same time at 9 am. It means that all those who vaccinated at 9 a.m. become’No. 1 vaccinators’.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) released data on the 25th, and is making every effort to prepare for vaccination with a meaning on the first day of vaccination, rather than assigning the meaning of “one specific person vaccinated with the Corona 19 vaccine” “I said.

The Agency for Disease Control explained, “Tomorrow (26th) at 9 am, nursing hospitals and nursing facilities hospitalized under the age of 65-all residents and workers will become the vaccine’No. 1′.” The Agency for Disease Control and Prevention plans to disclose some of the situation on the first day of vaccination.

Regarding the fact that the disease administration has not decided on the number 1 inoculation, some interpretations say that they are conscious of the ‘1 controversy’ that has recently erupted in politics. This is because when President Moon Jae-in insisted that he should become the No. 1 vaccine vaccination centered on the opposition party, the ruling party strongly opposed and a fierce battle continued.

However, it is evaluated that it is difficult to find cases in which the No. 1 inoculation of the Corona 19 vaccine has not been determined. The number 1 inoculation in countries that started vaccination before Korea is diverse, including medical staff, the elderly, and the head of the government. On December 8, last year, the protagonist who received the Corona 19 vaccine for the first time in the world was a British grandmother in her 90s.

The first inoculation in the U.S. was a black female nurse from immigrants, and in Rome, Italy, the corona19 treatment medical staff was the first target. In Japan, the director of the Tokyo Medical Center and the prime minister in Serbia were the first inoculations.
