‘Disciple Assault’ Director Sang-yeol Lee gave up the rest of the season

Professional volleyball coach Lee Sang-yeol of KB Insurance has announced that he will give up the rest of the season as a sign of apology and reflection on the assault case of Park Cheol-woo 12 years ago. Meanwhile, the ripple wave has now spread to baseball.

This is Lee Sung-hoon.


KB Insurance said that manager Lee Sang-yeol announced and accepted his intention to give up on business trips for the rest of the season.

Director Lee added that apologizing to Park Cheol-woo and asking for forgiveness is a top priority, and that he needs some time for himself.

Manager Lee will miss the remaining six games.

In 2009, coach Lee beaten Park Cheol-woo, who was the national coach, and was suspended indefinitely. After two years, he returned to the court after being released from discipline.

However, he received public criticism from Park Cheol-woo after he said,’I am trying to apologize to the players and show an exemplary appearance’ about the recent excommunication of the volleyball industry.

At that time, the cotton bat returned to discipline and then left the court for a while due to self-discipline again.

‘Happy Me Too’ has also spread to professional baseball.

An allegation of being beaten and bullied in elementary school by a prospective Hanwha club was posted on social media, causing a stir.

[프로야구 유망주 폭력 제보자 : 냄새가 난다, 잘난 척을 심하게 한다, 몇 가지 이유로 왕따를 당하기 시작했어요. 지속적인 물리적 폭행도 있었고, 언어적인 괴롭힘도 있었고, 그 시절로 인해 저는 많이 망가졌고 어느 정도 제 삶에 영향을 주고 있을 겁니다.]

While the player insisted that he didn’t even know the revealer, the Hanwha club announced that it would investigate the facts through its own investigation.

(Video editing: Oh Young-taek)
