Director Solskár “You say Bruno is tired? It can’t be.”

There are no points of attack for two consecutive games, so it’s a bad idea Solshar “Health exhaustion is a nonsense”

[골닷컴] Reporter Man-Sung Han = Manchester United (Man U) coach Ole Gunnar Solsk has given a glimpse into the question of whether key midfielder Bruno Fernandez (26) is struggling physically.

United have played 18 games this season and are currently leading the English Premier League with 37 points. This is the first time Manchester United has reached the top spot in the Premier League in January since the days of Alex Ferguson. Manchester United’s ace, who took the lead in the Premier League in January after eight years, is Fernandes. He is scoring 11 goals and 7 assists in 18 games in the Premier League this season. His performance, including the cup, was 15 goals and 9 assists in 27 matches.

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However, Fernandez has not scored goals or assists in the last two games in a row. For a midfielder, failing to score points for just two consecutive games is not a big deal. However, some have questioned whether Fernandes was physically exhausted when Fernandes couldn’t score goals or help in just two games.

Coach Solshar said through’Sky Sports’ on the 19th (Korean time), “Bruno (Fernandez)’s performance is very good now.” “Bruno was recently chosen as the Premier League Player of the Month. He wasn’t tired. Absolutely never. He boasts a lot of activity every game, but he has a very good recovery ability. A free kick he missed against Liverpool led to a goal or Luke,” he said If you connected the cross of the show by scoring, you could be the player of the month again.”

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“Bruno has been proud of an enormous influence from the moment he joined our team,” said Solshard, adding, “He was not tired. There is no possibility that he was exhausted.”

Meanwhile, Manchester United are aiming for the Premier League leader Mercury in their Fulham expedition at 5:15 am on the 21st. If Manchester United win the match that day, they will remain at the top of the Premier League until the end of their schedule for this season.
