Director “Minari” “My heart is overwhelmed”… Anti-Violence Against Asians, Expectations for Integration

Director Lee Isaac Jeong (Isak Jeong) who directed'Buttercup'

picture explanationDirector Lee Isaac Jeong (Isak Jeong) who directed’Buttercup’

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Director Lee Isaac Jeong (Korean name Jeong Isaac), who directed the movie’Buttercup’, said on the 15th (local time) that’Buttercup’ was nominated for six Academy Awards, and “My heart is overwhelmed”.

Director Jung said in an interview with the American film media’Deadline’ and said, “I couldn’t catch up with what happened today with my head,” and expect that’Minari’ will be nominated for several categories. They responded that they were unable to do so.

‘Minari’ was nominated for the best honorary work award, director, screenplay, best actor, best supporter, and music award in the Oscar finalist announcement on this day.

Director Jung said, “Because we made’Minari’ as a team and as a family, this (Oscar nomination) is very meaningful to me.”

He said that this time, he was nominated for an Academy nomination and accepted it more humbly because it means he was recognized by his colleagues in the film industry.

Director Jung emphasized that he was more pleased that the theme consciousness of’Minari’ is spreading beyond the Asian community to other communities as well.

He said, “What I want to convey in this film is that we are human more than anything else.”

He said that people outside of the Asian community are also connected to the’Buttercup’ and regard the story in’Buttercup’ as their own. They said that’Buttercup’ responded as “a step in the right direction.”

'Buttercup' nominated for 6 Oscars

picture explanation‘Buttercup’ nominated for 6 Oscars

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