Directly hit by Kim Jong-in, “Do not retreat the politics”, which went directly to the’nuclear power attack’

President Moon Jae-in attends and speaks at a meeting of the chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 1st, while the Blue House has made a strong response to the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project raised by the opposition parties, including the power of the people, by taking legal action. Senior Reporter Tae-Seok Wang

President Moon Jae-in said, “I hope that the opposition party does not retreat politics by encouraging confrontation with politics like relics.” President Moon seems to have stepped forward, seeing that a strong response is necessary for the early evolution of the opposition-driven offensive.

It is interpreted that the remarks made by President Moon at the meeting of the chief and advisors presided over at the Blue House on the 1st were aimed at Chairman Kim. On the 29th of last month, Chairman Kim accused him of “a shocking transfer act,” saying, “The Moon Jae-in administration promoted the construction of a North Korean nuclear power plant in extreme secrecy,” based on the list of documents deleted by officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. In response, President Moon is known to be infuriated by saying, “The absurd matador (black propaganda).”

This is not the first time the Blue House’s raging reaction. On the day of Chairman Kim’s remarks, spokesman Kang Min-seok said, “We will respond strongly, including legal measures,” and the Civil Affairs Chief’s Office entered into legal review. On the 1st, a senior Blue House official met with reporters and criticized Chairman Kim by using harsh expressions such as “Political Offensive”, “Color Theory”, “Hokse Moomin” and “Outrageous Incitement”.

In this situation, the reason President Moon stepped forward is because he believed that the opposition party’s suspicion would be quieted by more active defense. It seems that they are also concerned that if they are silent,’fake news’ could harden as if it were a prerequisite. It may have been determined that the suspicion of promoting North Korea’s nuclear power plant construction was excessively inflated with the idea of ​​denuclearization, and that it could be offensively responded to it, as it was not substantive.

Regarding the President’s remarks, Kim Eun-hye, spokesman for the power of the people, criticized “it has driven the people’s curiosity into a’relic of the old world’,” and criticized it as “a remnant of the old world covering unfavorable public opinion by falsehood.” Spokesman Kim said, “We don’t want to see an angry president, but rather see a president who sincerely explains to the public what happened that day in 2018,” he said. “Please reveal the truth of’destruction of South Korean nuclear power plants, construction of North Korean nuclear power plants’.” Asked.

The opposition party seems to continue its offensive over the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant for the time being. Ho-young Joo, head of the people’s power, insisted on the National Assembly investigation, saying, “In light of the background that the document was written and deleted after the Panmunjom Summit (2018), was there any plan to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea without the people’s consent?” Since the Blue House continues to hold the’legal action’ card, the battle is likely to continue for the time being. However, I also read the atmosphere of being burdened with legal quarrels with opposition representatives.

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the 1st. Senior Reporter Tae-Seok Wang

Meanwhile, President Moon said at the meeting that day, “the third disaster support fund, such as small business owners’ support fund and emergency employment stabilization support fund, are being quickly paid, but it is very insufficient to prevent continued damage.” “We will compensate for the losses caused by the government’s quarantine measures. In addition to preparing possible institutional measures, it is imperative to devise support measures for the damage that occurs until then.” This is interpreted as empowering the Democratic Party’s 4th Disaster Subsidies Payment Plan.

Shin Eun-byul reporter

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