Direct family members can gather 5 or more from the 15th.

Kwon Deok-cheol, the first deputy head of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (Middle Script) (Minister of Health and Welfare), announces a proposal to adjust social distancing at the joint briefing room of the Seoul Government Complex in Jongno-gu, Seoul. On this day, Minister Kwon Deok-cheol announced that for two weeks starting on the 15th, the distance between the metropolitan area will be reduced to two steps, and 1.5 steps for other areas. The opening hours of restaurants and cafes in the metropolitan area are increased by one hour from 9pm to 10pm. However, the ban on meetings of more than 5 people is maintained nationwide. 2021.02.13. [email protected]

From the 15th, PC rooms, movie theaters, hypermarkets, and reading rooms in the metropolitan area are allowed to open 24 hours a day. In the non-metropolitan area, restaurants, karaoke rooms, cafes, and indoor sports facilities can be opened 24 hours a day. The ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people remains, but exceptions apply to sports business establishments with immediate family members or facility managers.

At a regular briefing on the 13th, Kwon Deok-cheol, the first deputy head of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, said, “As the quarantine measures such as restrictions on operating hours for multi-use facilities and prohibition of gatherings are prolonged, the difficulties of living for self-employed persons and small business owners intensify. “We have to adjust.”

Metropolitan area PC cafes and large marts open 24 hours

In the script, it was decided to lower the distance step by one step from 0 o’clock on the 15th to midnight on the 28th for two weeks in the metropolitan area to step 2 and the non-capital area to step 1.5.

With this adjustment, business restrictions for academies, reading rooms, movie theaters, game rooms, beauty salons, hypermarkets, and amusement parks in the metropolitan area will disappear. These industries are subject to step 2.5, and they were only open until 9 pm. There are a total of 480,000 businesses whose business restrictions are lifted.

However, movie theaters and performance halls can only be operated by applying one seat or one seat other than the companion. For sports, only 10% of the garden is allowed to enter and view.

In the case of restaurants or cafes, the in-store eating time is extended from 9 pm to 10 pm. Only packaging and delivery are possible after 10 pm. When two or more people order coffee, beverages, or simple desserts, the recommendation to limit the time spent in the store to one hour is also maintained.

In the case of bathhouses, as group infection continues to occur, the operation of sauna and steam facilities is prohibited. Karaoke rooms, door-to-door sales promotion halls, indoor standing performance halls, indoor sports facilities, academy classrooms, and party rooms are open until 10pm.

In non-metropolitan areas, restrictions on operating hours for restaurants, cafes, indoor sports facilities, karaoke rooms, petty rooms, and indoor standing performance halls are lifted. The number of these businesses totals 520,000. However, the door-to-door sales business limits its operating hours to 10 pm.

As step 1.5 is applied, movie theaters and performance halls can be operated by opening one seat other than the companion. Only 30% of the garden is allowed to enter and view sports.

Ban on gatherings of entertainment facilities is also released… Sports viewing is also allowed

The ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people, which has been applied to both the metropolitan and non-capital areas, remains. Sohn Young-rae, head of the social strategy team, Jung Soo-bon, said, “Although the distancing phase has been eased, we have decided to keep the ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people for two more weeks in consideration of the environment in which contacts through personal meetings and appointments continue to dominate.” Revealed.

However, it was decided to expand the exception. For immediate family members, private meetings of 5 or more people are allowed even if they are not a family member, and an exception applies to sports business facilities with facility managers. Accordingly, it is possible to hold a game if the quarantine rules such as creating an access list at indoor and outdoor private futsal fields, soccer fields, and baseball fields are followed.

“We took into account the fact that the problem of accumulating fatigue in the field of life is unavoidable as the ban on meetings of 5 or more people is applied for a long time,” said Son.

In addition, the nationwide ban on gatherings for entertainment facilities (40,000 places) such as hunting pots, which have been banned for three months, will also be lifted. If it is operated in compliance with the core quarantine rules to minimize risk, it is possible to operate until 10 pm.

Some measures that were strengthened during the year-end and New Year’s special quarantine measures will also be adjusted. The ban on exceeding the number of rooms in accommodation facilities, such as meetings and parties, is maintained, but measures that only allow reservations within two-thirds of the number of rooms in accommodation facilities are lifted. In consideration of the end of the Lunar New Year holiday, measures to sell only window seats for railroad tickets will also be lifted.

Yu Hwan-gu reporter

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