Diplomacy: Politics: News: Hankyoreh

We haven’t received any evidence related to’Marine Pollution’ by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“Sailor, no unfair treatment. Working delegation arrived today”

On the 4th, a high-speed boat of the Iranian Revolutionary Maritime Guard (IRGCN) is approaching the Korean ship Kemi, a Korean ship in the Gulf waters.  Reuters Union

On the 4th, a high-speed boat of the Iranian Revolutionary Maritime Guard (IRGCN) is approaching the Korean ship Kemi, a Korean ship in the Gulf waters. Reuters Union

It has been confirmed that South Korean sailors detained in Iran have not been unfairly treated by Iranian authorities, including violence. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spared a comment, saying, “Please understand that we cannot confirm the specific issues currently being discussed between the diplomatic authorities of Korea and Iran.” Foreign Ministry spokesman Choi Young-sam said at a regular briefing on the 7th, “The field support team of the Korean Embassy in Iran, who arrived in Bandar Abbas on the 6th local time, personally interviewed one of our sailors in the afternoon and said,’The sailors are safe and healthy. There were no behaviors that could be problematic, including threatening attitudes such as violence.’ In the future, we will continue to promote consular interviews with other crew members as soon as possible through negotiations with Iranian authorities.” Spokesman Choi continued, “A working-level delegation headed by Director of Africa Middle East Bureau Gyeong-seok Ko, departing from Incheon International Airport at dawn and heading for Iran. We expect to arrive in Iran by the middle of today.” The First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong-Geon is scheduled to visit Iran on the 10th to appease Iran’s complaints about $7 billion (about 7.6 trillion won) of Iranian funds that are frozen in Korean banks and discuss the issue of detained sailors.

Young-sam Choi, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Young-sam Choi, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

However, spokesman Choi said, “The Iranian government wants to purchase 1 billion dollars worth of medical equipment with its own funds frozen in Korean banks.” He said, “I ask you to understand that it is not possible to confirm specific issues in detail,” he said. An official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “We are thinking of various creative ways.” I will be able to introduce the results after the weekend.” A diplomatic source familiar with the Iranian authorities’ detention of Korean ships said, “There is a process of putting in and out water to balance the ship, but there is no problem in the big sea, but the Persian Gulf is a special region, so environmental problems are serious. If there is a violation, a fine can be imposed, and if it turns out there is no problem, we can compensate for the voyage.” In other words, it is argued that Korean ships may have discharged pollutants that exceeded Iran’s environmental standards in the process of discharging ballast water from the Persian Gulf. Commonly, ballast water contains various pollutants such as oil, sediment, and microorganisms, so each country has established and applied standards related to emission. Korea also strictly manages emissions according to the’Ballast Water Management Act’. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it has not yet received specific evidence regarding the maritime pollution Iran is facing. A high-ranking official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “I am embarrassed that the detention case broke out in a situation where a vice-minister’s visit is already scheduled.” By Gil Yoon-hyung, staff reporter [email protected] ▶Shortcut: [단독] “Two letter letters from the President of Iran… I want a clear solution of ‘7 billion dollars’”

