In Europe, after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, there are cases of death due to blood clots and blood clots in blood vessels. While some countries have announced that vaccination will be temporarily suspended, others continue to vaccination, such as the United States.
Medical reporter Cho Dong-chan will explain why judgments differ from country to country and how Korea should cope.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating 36 deaths from side effects of blood clots after vaccination with Pfizer and Modena.
However, the vaccination was not stopped.
This is because, unlike countries where vaccination was discontinued, each of the deceased was vaccinated at a different manufacturing unit.
Last year, researchers from the University of UCLA in the United States said that the possibility that Pfizer, Moder, or vaccines cause blood clots cannot be ruled out.
Among those infected with COVID-19, the number of deaths from the side effects of blood clots is 9 times higher than that of the flu, because if there are many coronaviruses in the body, it causes blood clots.
In the same way, if the vaccine is excessively injected into the body, there is a risk of causing blood clots.
Because the vaccine dose was determined based on this, normal products have a low risk of blood clots.
The part being investigated by Denmark and Italy is also tailored to whether there was an error in the dose of the vaccine produced by the manufacturing unit in question.
Health officials say that a manufacturing-level AstraZeneca vaccine related to blood clot deaths has not been introduced in Korea.
[손영래/보건복지부 대변인 : 아직 우리나라에서 부작용 신고로 혈전 생성에 대한 부작용 신고는 지금 현재 없는 것으로….]
A member of the Immunization Committee pointed out that it is not a scientific attitude to conclude that the case of blood clot death is not due to the vaccine, but that the investigation is underway.