“Did you eat with legs wide open?” Anger of BJ emotions sexually harassed by a restaurant employee (General)


[스포츠서울 이용수기자] BJ Impression-ran was sexually harassed by a restaurant employee during a live broadcast.

On the 19th, a video was posted on BJ’s personal YouTube channel’Gamdongran TV’ under the title of “Legend Science Time”.

In the released video, BJ Gamdongran visited a classic abalone porridge house during the early rush hour and conducted a live broadcast. However, while he was away for a while, his camera contained behind-the-scenes from the employees.

The employees said, “The world’s crazy X” “My chest is also touched” “Where do you wear shit pants?” “Where do you buy those clothes?” “I don’t think I’m wearing underpants” “Aren’t you wearing thongs?” “I don’t look very pretty” Was it broadcast to show?”

BJ Gamdongran, who returned to her seat, heard this from the fans during live broadcast and criticized the employee. He said, “Why do I have to come here to eat and hear’crazy X’? Why should I be cursed.” The employee said, “I’m sorry. We were so absurd. I apologized for not seeing such a dress.” But BJ Gamdongran said, “I can still talk back when there are no customers. I’ll say’crazy X’after I leave, but just because I’m not there doesn’t mean I’m doing this.”

Eventually, BJ’s emotions were infuriated by the employees’ sexual harassment. He said, “How can I check the panties? Did I come to the teacher with legs apart and ate? “Please apologize for those who swear by others.” However, the other employee who spoke swear words did not apologize.

Eventually, BJ Gamdongran couldn’t eat and headed to the cashier. The employee said, “I’m sorry. When I said that I was talking,” BJ Gamdongran said, “Teacher, it’s really disappointing. I don’t think I will come again. It doesn’t mean whatever you wear. It doesn’t matter if the customer does it after they’ve finished eating. But I’m still eating, but that’s not really true.”

On the other hand, after the video of BJ Gamdongran was released, there has been an uprising over the remarks of sexual harassment by the relevant employees online.
Reporter used [email protected]

Photo | BJ Gamdongran YouTube Channel
