‘Dialo debut goal’ Manchester United draw AC Milan and UEL round of 16 1st leg 1-1

Manchester United Diallo is celebrating after scoring a goal in the Europa League against AC Milan. © AFP=News1

Manchester United (England) couldn’t choose a match against AC Milan (Italy) even for the debut goal of the holy Ahmad Diallo.

Manchester United drew 1-1 in the match against AC Milan in the first leg of the round of 16 in the 2020-21 European Football Federation (UEFA) Europa League (UEL) held at Old Trafford in Manchester, England on the 12th (Korean time).

In the first leg of the game, Manchester United took the lead with Diallo’s opening goal in the 5th minute of the second half, but scored an equalizer to Yer in the second half of the second half to record a draw.

Manchester United struggled in the early Milan offensive.

Milan scored the opening goal with the right foot in the first five minutes, but was declared offside. Six minutes later, Frank Casey shook the net by taking advantage of the throw-in chance, but the goal was canceled after a video read (VAR) and handball was declared.

Manchester United, who finished 0-0 in the first half, subtracted Marshal and put in Diallo at the beginning of the second half, and immediately saw the effect.

In the 5th minute of the second half, Diallo shook the net by connecting Bruno Fernandez’s sensational penetration pass with a header that only changes direction. Fernandez’s momentary pass and Diallo’s good movements digging into the back space paid off.

It was the debut goal of 2002 born prospect Diallo, who left Atalanta (Italy) this January and wore a Manchester United uniform.

After the goal, Milan also launched an offensive and counterattacked. In the 19th minute of the second half, Rade Krunik, who was dashing a cross from the right flank, took a header but missed the target.

Milan, who kept hitting the goal, scored a dramatic equalizer in the extra time in the second half of the game. In the 47th minute of the second half, Kier, who ran a corner kick from the left flank, shook the net with a header.

In the end, both teams drew 1-1 in the battle.

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