Diagnosis of the US Congressional Survey Bureau

Diagnosis of US-Japan relations, fear of worsening relations
Possibility of U.S. involvement in Korea-US-Japan relations after the establishment of the Biden government
US-Japan relations “will deepen cooperation”
US-Korea relations “may be tense”

[아시아경제 뉴욕=백종민 특파원] The US Congressional Investigation Bureau (CRS) analyzes that Korea-Japan relations are at the worst. It is also interpreted that the US government has raised the justification for intervening in Korea-Japan relations by Joe Biden, who is emphasizing the’Quad’ and rallying alliances to pressure China.



The U.S. Congressional Investigation Bureau (CRS) assessed in the revised US-Japan relations report on the 2nd that Korea-Japan relations have deteriorated to the lowest level in decades, weakening policy coordination between the three countries.

Regarding the relationship between Korea and Japan, the CRS said, “Since 2018, this relationship reached its lowest level in decades.” Sudan diagnosed that the relationship between the two countries was plummeting.”

The CRS pointed out that “deteriorating relations between Korea and Japan weakened policy coordination between Korea and Japan,” and said, “The Joe Biden administration may be considering ways to promote trust between the two allies to promote more effective trilateral cooperation.” .

The CRS highly appreciated the current US-Japan relationship. The CRS said, “The US-Japan relations are still strong,” and said that the recent appointment of the new leader in the US and Japan could smooth the relationship and deepen cooperation on larger issues.

This is quite different from the previous evaluation of US-Korea relations. The CRS previously revised the ROK-US relations report and predicted that, unlike former President Trump, President Biden puts emphasis on cooperation in the alliance, but in the ROK-US relations, tensions may arise due to differences in policy toward North Korea.

It is pointed out that the situation in which the Moon Jae-in administration prefers to ease sanctions against North Korea could create tensions with the United States.

The report specifically pointed to the resumption of ROK-US combined training as a matter with a high possibility of the first conflict between Korea and the US after the inauguration of the Biden government.

President Moon said at a New Year’s press briefing on the 18th of last month that “we can discuss with North Korea through the Inter-Korean Military Joint Committee if necessary” regarding the resumption of the annual military training in March.

On the other hand, the US Department of Defense emphasized the importance of combined ROK-US training. US Defense Department spokesman John Kirby said at a recent briefing that “we recognize that there is no more (training) important than the Korean peninsula,” emphasizing the need for ROK-US combined exercises.

New York = correspondent Baek Jong-min [email protected]
