Designer Transformation’Ice Sang Legend’ Park Seung-hee, married on April 17

Park Seung-hee, the'Ice Scenic Legend', who lights up fire in April.

picture explanationPark Seung-hee, the’Ice Scenic Legend’, who lights up fire in April.

Park Seung-hee (29), who shined on the stage of the Winter Olympics as a national short track and speed skating national team, becomes the bride of April.

Awesome Project Company said on the 27th, “Park Seung-hee will be having a wedding with a fashion brand representative who is five years old at the 63 Convention Center on April 17. We met and replaced the bridegroom at a meeting one year and six months ago. “I run a bag brand.”

Park Seung-hee was the signboard for the short track women’s national team that overshadowed the Winter Olympics. He won the 1,000m and 1,500m bronze medals at the 2010 Vancouver Games, the 1,000m and 3,000m relay gold medals, and the 500m bronze medals at Sochi 2014, and succeeded in winning medals in all Winter Olympics short track events as the first Korean female athlete.

At the 2018 PyeongChang competition, he turned to speed skating and competed at 1,000 meters, making it the first Korean athlete to stand on the Olympic stage in both sports such as short track and speed skating.

Park Seung-hee finally retired from active duty at the PyeongChang competition, immersed herself in design studies she was interested in, and then transformed into a bag designer through a fashion school curriculum.

Park Seung-hee said, “In addition to my personal business, I want to show a good image even after marriage by working in various fields such as broadcasting and lectures as an athletic person.”


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