Deputy Attorney General… Distance from correctional facilities to 3 steps↑

Following the Seoul East Detention Center, there was a corona death at the Seoul Detention Center yesterday (31st). As criticism grew that the increase in the number of confirmed cases in correctional facilities was due to the government’s poor response, the Ministry of Justice apologized and said it would raise the distance to three stages for the time being.

This is Kang Cheong-wan.


Yesterday morning, Mr. A, a man in his 30s, who was diagnosed with Corona 19 at the Seoul Detention Center, died.

The Ministry of Justice explained that “Mr. A, who was usually suffering from high blood pressure, was living a normal life until dawn, but suddenly lost consciousness in the morning and contacted a nearby hospital.

As a result, the number of corona deaths in correctional facilities increased to two.

In the eastern detention center, 126 confirmed cases were added, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased to 918.

The Ministry of Justice said that 126 detainees were confirmed as a result of a fourth thorough investigation of 465 employees of the Dongbu detention center and 1,298 detainees.

As the outbreak of group infection in the eastern detention center in Seoul spread, Vice Minister of Justice Yong-gu Lee bowed his head.

[이용구/법무부차관 : 서울동부구치소 코로나 확진자 집단감염 발생과 관련하여 국민 여러분께 심려를 끼쳐 드려 진심으로 송구하다는 말씀드립니다.]

The Ministry of Justice said it would raise social distancing for all correctional facilities to three stages for two weeks until January 13 to prevent further spread.

It means that we will limit visits, work, and education to minimize contact between prisoners, and to conduct limited interviews with lawyers.

In the midst of this, the Eastern Detention Center said it is undergoing disciplinary proceedings against prisoners who recently showed a paper saying “Please save me” outside the window of the detention center.
