Deokhwa Yoo earned 8.6 billion won with the first Labang… Fan’s eyes throwing 2 billion won

Deokhwa Yoo /Photo = Capture The Wooin

Deokhwa Yoo /Photo = Capture The Wooin

It is reported that Hong Kong actor Deok-hwa Yoo made about 8.6 billion won in profits through his first live SNS broadcast.

On the 8th (Korean time), Sina Entertainment reported that it is estimated that Yu Deok-hwa has earned 50 million yuan (about 8.6 billion won) by conducting the first live SNS broadcast on the 7th.

It was reported that Deokhwa Yoo received 100 million yuan (17 billion won) from The Wooin and created an SNS account. In less than a week of opening, he exceeded 8 million followers and received hot attention by recording 50 million views with 4 videos.

Yoo Deokhwa’s first live broadcast exceeded 1 million viewers in 10 minutes. The cumulative number of viewers for 80 minutes was 32 million. This is the highest record for the platform itself.

Deokhwa Yoo, who appeared in striped knitwear on a red background, sang hit songs ’17 years old’ and’Kongsipachai’ and answered questions from fans.

On this day, Yoo Deok-hwa’s fans continued to send gifts to him through the platform. One fan gave a gift of 12 million yuan (about 2 billion won) to surprise.

Deokhwa Yoo is a Hong Kong-born film actress, singer, director, and producer who made her debut as a publicly funded actor on TVB Hong Kong. He has been reborn as an Asian star through’Freedom of the Supreme’ and’Ceiling Earth’, and there are representative works such as’Shinjo Cooperation’,’Chwiwon 3′, and’Hyupsung’.

Reporter Kim Soo-young [email protected]

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