Deok-cheol Kwon’only targets felony crimes’ in the medical field’Stop vaccination when passing the license cancellation law

Minister Kwon “to communicate with a minority who committed a felony crime

Deputy Head of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters Kwon Deok-cheol (Ministry of Health and Welfare) is preparing for a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters in response to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) at the government building in Seoul on the morning of the 20th./Yonhap News

Minister of Health and Welfare Kwon Deok-cheol stated that he would fully explain the purpose of the law against the opposition of the medical community as the bill passed the National Assembly’s standing committee to revoke the licenses of doctors sentenced to prison terms or higher.

Minister Kwon appeared on KBS 1TV’Sunday Diagnosis’ on the 21st and said, “It is to protect the very few medical professionals who commit serious crimes from many medical personnel, and to do it in terms of public safety issues.” .

Previously, the Korean Medical Association (Medical Association) was strongly protesting against the possibility of collective action such as a “general strike” when the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee voted to deprive the license of doctors sentenced to prison terms or higher.

The day before, the chairman of the 16 provincial and provincial medical associations nationwide made a statement saying, “We express unbearable anger” about the amendment to the medical law and that we cannot accept it. He warned, “If this bill is resolved by the National Assembly Legislative and Judicial Committee, we will engage in a full-scale struggle, such as a national medical strike,” he warned. In particular, the chairman of the Korean Medical Association, Choi, said, “There is an opinion to temporarily suspend cooperation in the corona 19 vaccination when the medical law is passed.”

Regarding this, Minister Kwon said, “I regret it for creating a worrisome situation for the people.” “From 2016 to 2020, an average of 30 to 40 people per year committed serious crimes for the past five years and received more than a jail sentence. Absolute number of medical personnel. “There is no problem due to the revision of the law.”

Regarding the claim that some of the medical profession’even if a traffic accident occurs, the license may be revoked’, he said, “depending on the severity of the act, the court will decide and the government will take action accordingly.” Etc.).” He said, “In the process of overcoming the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) over the past year, it was impossible without the absolute dedication of the medical staff, and the government is always grateful,” he said. “I will explain and communicate specific details.” .

/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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