Dentist Lee Soo-jin “A 27-year-old younger man who proposed marriage, broke up against her daughter… I still hurt my heart”

Dentist Lee Su-jin (53, photo) mentioned a 27-year-old man.

Lee Soo-jin recently posted a video titled’Another 27 years younger…’ on her YouTube channel.

In the released video, Lee Soo-jin said, “I have separated from my 27-year-old boyfriend, opposite of my daughter,” and said, “I still have a pain in my heart.”

“I saw (Idol) NCT (member) Jaehyun cooking a while ago, and I posted on social media that’I look a lot like’. Even if you say,’You can’t go in, he can’t.’ It hurts, but your 17-year-old adolescent daughter said,’Not just him. “I can’t even get dirt in my eyes, how would I feel if I said,” he mentioned the reason for the breakup.

Lee Soo-jin said, “Let’s keep getting married (younger man). I even got a proposal ring.” He said,’I’m more successful and I’m coming to marry you.’”

He said, “I met with (daughter), but Jenna (daughter) hated it. There seems to be no parents who win children,” said Lee Soo-jin, who implied that it was an open ending, saying, “As long as we are not separated by bad emotions, we can meet again.

Meanwhile, Lee Soo-jin, a graduate of Seoul National University’s dental school, runs his own dentistry and works as a YouTuber, drawing attention from netizens.

Kang So-young, online news reporter [email protected]

Photo = YouTube screen capture

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
