Democratic Party Silent

After the court sentenced Dongyang University professor Jeong Gyeong-shim to the trial on charges of illegal entrance examinations and private equity funds, on the 23rd, he sentenced him to four years in prison and a fine of 500 million won and arrested him. Expressed dissatisfaction. Accordingly, the leadership of the people’s strength pointed out on the 24th whether the ruling party is denying the ruling and constitutional order. On this day, the leadership of the Democratic Party saved words.

When the ruling of Professor Jeong came out, a spokesman for the Democratic Party of Shin Young University sent a short text to reporters on the 23rd, saying, “I am embarrassed because the judgment by the court is too harsh” and “I hope the truth will be revealed properly in the remaining trials.” Rep. Kim Nam-guk said, “There is no place anywhere in the world to shout out and shout the truth”, and Rep. Kim Yong-min said, “The prosecution problems are seen only by the public.” “The court must control the infringement and prosecution. I think I gave up.” Rep. Sang-ho Woo said that it was “a judgment with mixed emotions.”

At the Democratic Party’s policy coordination meeting on the morning of the following day, the Democratic Party’s leader Kim Tae-nyeon, and other major party officials did not comment at all. Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon is also not making a related position.

On the morning of the 23rd, before the ruling, Kim Tae-nyeon said, “The results of the investigation by the former Justice Minister Cho Kook, who had put in the prosecutor’s highest level of investigation manpower and pressed 70 times, were poor, and Professor Kyung-Shim Chung’s trial turned into a forgery of citations. Most of the first trial rulings were found not guilty.”

▲ Professor Chung Gyeong-shim of Dongyang University, the wife of former Justice Minister Cho Kook, who was handed over to trial on charges such as corruption in the entrance examination for children and allegations of private equity investment, is attending the first trial hearing held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of December 23.  Ⓒ Yonhap News
▲ Professor Chung Gyeong-shim of Dongyang University, the wife of former Justice Minister Cho Kook, who was handed over to trial on charges such as corruption in the entrance examination for children and allegations of private equity investment, is attending the first trial hearing held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of December 23. Ⓒ Yonhap News

On the morning of the 24th, the Democratic Party lawmakers criticized Professor Jeong as being unfair and wrong to hinder Cho’s reform of the prosecution, but most of the three court judges were convicted. He said, “In this case, you have to apologize and reflect, but the trial is wrong, and the judiciary is accused of ruin.”

Won Nae Joo said, “If the Democratic Party lawmakers don’t like them, are they all redeeming?” “The more they deny the constitutional order themselves, the further away from public sentiment.”

Lee Jong-bae, chairman of the policy committee of the same party, said, “Even with a clear legal judgment, the ruling party arbitrarily tailored the court ruling without reflection and apology.” In the party’s official position, he said,’I hope that the truth will be revealed properly in the future. He said, “Hyungkuk, who started to incite public opinion, “killing the court.”

“I’m sorry, is it so difficult to say that I did wrong?” This is what the people want to hear from former Minister Cho and Professor Jeong,” he said. “Please take off the mask of hypocrisy and live freely. Stop inciting good people to satisfy their desires.”

Meanwhile, the prosecutor’s office sentenced to 1 year imprisonment for the Open Democratic Party lawmaker Choi Kang-wook for issuing a false intern certificate to the son of former Minister Cho. The chairman of the Policy Committee said, “The prosecution has defined it as a serious crime and pointed out that it is not regretful of its mistakes.” “The prosecution’s old reason was not only that of Rep. Choi Kang-wook, but also the facts of the Moon Jae-in regime that showed a glimpse of Juanmuchi.”

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