Democratic Party Rep. Dong-soo Lee proposes an amendment to the game law’prohibition of compgacha’

In addition, the Democratic Party’s Rep. Dong-soo Lee representatively proposed the’Amendment to the Act on the Promotion of the Game Industry’. The bill ▲Probability type item probability disclosure Ban on’Complete Gacha’ The core content is to grant a penalty within three times the profits to game companies that have gained profits by manipulating probability.

Yu said that many large game companies use’probability-type items (random box, gacha, etc.)’ as their main BM, but there is no provision for disclosing detailed configuration information and appearance probability of probability-type items, so consumers can use probability-type items. He pointed out that the expected utility of the item cannot be accurately known.

Dongsoo Dong-soo, Democratic Party

In addition, most of game companies’ probabilistic items provide the user’s preferred’first-class product’ with a rare probability, and consumers naturally lean on a low probability and repeatedly purchase’until the pick’, or the amount they have spent so far is judged as the sunk cost. He said it was a situation where he had no choice but to give up.

Gamers have requested probability information from game companies as the minimum right to know, and game companies have responded to requests within the framework of self-regulation. Rep. Yoo however Even if game companies unilaterally disclose information as much as they want, they can receive the certification mark for self-regulation. <메이플스토리>He pointed out the flaws of the self-regulatory system, saying that it is possible to avoid the complete disclosure of information by using methods such as excluding information that users truly want, as in the case of’Cube’ of’Cube’.

Rep. Yoo continued to discuss’Complete Gacha’, which is called’double gacha’.Made by putting another probability item inside a probability item, it has extreme speculation. System’, In this way, he said the industry has made self-regulation itself obsolete. In particular, he said that self-regulation does not have any deterrence as no sanctions exist, even if the information is incorrect, and even if the information is inaccurate, there is no verification of the game company’s public information.

As a result recently <메이플스토리>, <마비노기> Suspicion has been raised about the manipulation of the probability of dropping items that are’unfavorable to consumers’ in games such as, and consumer confidence in game companies has collapsed.

According to Rep. Yoo, the Game Industry Association self-admitted to the inaccuracy of the current self-regulation by answering,’It is difficult to disclose because the game companies themselves cannot know the exact composition probability’ in the opinion on the amendment to the entire game law. Therefore, Yu’s analysis is that effective consumer protection is impossible with self-regulation alone in the future.

Rep. Yoo puts the following three points at the core of this revised bill.

▲In the law, it is stated in the law that the exact composition probability or expected value of a probability-type item is disclosed.

▲ Prohibition of the sale of’Complete Gacha’-type products criticized for excessive speculation

▲If a game company manipulates the probability for its own profit or presents an incorrect probability, a penalty penalty of not more than 3 times the profit gained will be granted.

On the other hand, even if the probability announced by the game company was different from the actual applied probability, it was not intended to deceive the user to obtain an unfair profit, but to lower the possibility of over-regulation by including exceptions for the case of a simple technical error.

Rep. Dong-soo Lee said, “Globally, the regulation of probability-type item speculation is beginning. Therefore, if we cannot fundamentally modify the BM of game companies that focus on short-term profit because they are buried in probability-type items, the domestic game industry will be’galapagos’ and will inevitably be eliminated in the global market. As we are pursuing the acquisition of plates for entry into China, which is legally regulated, we believe that it will not show a betrayal behavior that neglects consumer protection only in Korea.”
