Democratic Party Promote Impeachment of Trump in House of Representatives… Charged with inciting civil war

Input 2021.01.12 06:25

The Democratic Party of the United States officially launched a resolution on the 11th (local time) to prosecute the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

According to foreign media such as Reuters and the Washington Post, Democratic House members of the House of Representatives officially initiated a resolution to impeach President Trump. The resolution clarified the charges that President Trump made a remark in the Capitol Hill in a speech in front of protesters in relation to the congressional riots of protesters supporting Trump on the 6th, and incited a civil war.

Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi watch as US President Donald Trump speaks to the US Congress in February last year. /EPA Yonhap News

If this impeachment bill is passed in the House of Representatives, President Trump will become the first president to pass two impeachment bills in the House of Representatives during his tenure following the “Ukrainian scandal” at the end of 2019. President Trump is about to retire on the 20th.

In addition, the Democratic Party also proposed a resolution that requires Vice President Mike Pence to initiate the procedure to deprive President Trump of his duties by invoking Article 25 of the Amendment before passing the resolution for impeachment prosecution. However, Vice President Pence is said to be negative about this.

Article 25 of the Amendment is to exclude the President from office by majority vote of the Vice President and the Cabinet, and then the Vice President to act on behalf of the President if it is judged that he cannot serve. If the President rejects it, the Senate and House of Representatives can force dismissal with a two-thirds or more vote each.

The Democratic Party tried to vote in a plenary session of the House of Representatives on the resolution to invoke Article 25 of the Amendment, but was blocked by Republican opposition. This resolution is expected to be put up for a plenary vote on the 12th.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democratic Party) urged Vice President Pence to respond within 24 hours if the resolution to invoke Article 25 is passed. Otherwise, he said he would pass a resolution for impeachment.

The vote of the House’s impeachment proceeding is expected to take place on the 13th. The quorum voted in favor of the majority, and the Democratic Party occupies 222 seats, a majority of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives.

The resolution could be passed in the House of Representatives, but some predict that it would be difficult in the Senate. In the Senate, at least 67 people, over two-thirds of the 100 seats, must vote. However, in the current Senate, Republicans and Democrats are 50-50.
