Democratic Party Park Young-sun confirmed… ‘Third Zone’ Ahn Cheol-soo wins

The outlines of the candidates for the by-election of the mayor of Seoul that are approaching for a month or so are being revealed. In the Democratic Party, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon was elected, and in the so-called third zone primary, Ahn Chul-soo, the National Assembly representative, won the final battle for unifying the opposition.

This is Lee Hyun-young.


The final vote rate was 69.6 vs 30.4%. Former Minister of SMEs Park Young-sun has been confirmed as a candidate for the Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul, overtaking Congressman Woo Sang-ho by a big margin.

In his acceptance speech, Park emphasized his strength as a ruling party candidate, saying, “We will solve Seoul’s problems with proven administrative power and momentum.”

[박영선/더불어민주당 서울시장 후보 : 문재인 정부, 민주당과 원팀이 되어 안정적으로 서울시민에게 일상의 행복을 돌려 드리겠습니다.]

The election of Candidate Park will speed up negotiations for unification of passports with the Open Democratic Party candidate Kim Jin-ae and Cho Jung-hoon Cho.

In the contest for the unification of opposition candidates, Ahn Cheol-soo, the representative of the Nationalist Party, won the former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop, who was a member of the National Assembly.

Candidate Ahn emphasized the need for rapid unification, saying that he will meet as soon as the candidate for the strength of the people is elected.

[안철수/국민의당 서울시장 후보 : (국민의힘 후보를 만나서) 생각이 다른 지지층들이 마음을 하나로 모을 수 있도록 그렇게 이 과정을 치르자, 그런 말씀을 드리려고 합니다.]

The People’s Power held the final joint debate.

On the 4th, the party candidates will be decided among candidates Shin-hwan Oh, Se-hoon Oh, Kyung-won Na, and Eun-hee Cho. The power of the people also formed a party-level preparation team with the unification negotiations with Ahn in mind.

The key to negotiation is the unification method that will be conducted through public opinion polls.

It is expected that a fierce battle is expected over specific questions such as whether to exclude Democratic supporters from the survey targets, whether to use candidate suitability or competitiveness.
