Democracy, bilateral confrontation… ‘Public opinion advantage’ Park Young-sun vs’party member support’ Woo Sang-ho


The Democratic Party’s primary election is expected to be held in a confrontation between Rep. Sang-ho Woo and Minister Park Young-sun. Minister Park Young-seon is expected to withdraw from the post of minister as early as today (20th), but it is said that President Moon Jae-in will replace as many as five ministries, including Secretary Park Young-seon.

This is Choi Gyu-jin.


It comes from the passport that Secretary Park Young-sun will withdraw from the post of minister.

It is an analysis that while considering whether or not to run for mayor of Seoul, it has leaned toward running.

Currently, only Congressman Sang-ho Woo has declared the run.

When Park is run for Minister Park, the Democratic Party’s primary will be held in a’bilateral structure’.

In the early stage of the panse, Minister Park is ahead of the polls, but Rep. Woo is hoping to support the party.

Inside and outside the party, there are also concerns that heavyweights may be less interested in opposition than in the opposition.

A party official said, “Because there are only two candidates, the party is worried that the box office will fail compared to the opposition.”

Rep. Woo continued the campaign by announcing policy pledges one after another, including the extension of the ban on short selling.

At JTBC, he made a pledge to pay disaster support funds to small business owners.

[우상호/더불어민주당 의원 (어제 / JTBC ‘뉴스룸’) : 한 100만원씩 서울시내에 있는 중소상공인 자영업자를 지원할 그런 계획을 갖고 있습니다. 제가 계산해 보니 약 5000억 정도 이내면 충분히 가능할 것 같습니다.]

In the meantime, it is known that the Blue House is considering the reorganization of three or four ministries including the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries while replacing Minister Park.

(Video Design: Yunna Kim)
