Delivery union, interim agreement for additional negotiations between labor and management… General strike withdrawn on the 29th upon confirmation

In addition, members of the Democratic Party’s People’s Livelihood Conference and the Euljiro Committee are holding an urgent press conference on the 28th at the National Assembly Communication Hall to urge the implementation of the spirit of social consensus for courier workers overwork. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

The KCTU national courier union, which announced a general strike on the 29th, stepped back, saying that it had tentatively agreed on additional negotiations between labor and management on the 28th. The position is that the strike will be withdrawn if the approval of the general assembly of members is passed.

The parcel delivery union announced at the National Assembly that it had prepared a provisional agreement between labor and management through a six-hour’Social Consensus Organization for Countermeasures for Overworked Delivery Workers’ meeting with the union, the courier service, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

The union held an emergency expansion central executive committee on the 28th, and announced that it will hold a general assembly of all members in the morning of the 29th to confirm the provisional agreement.

The union said it would withdraw the strike if the provisional agreement is approved. However, he added that the strike will continue if the criticism fails.

The union announced that the details of the provisional agreement will be disclosed through social agreement participants after approval of the members.

On the 21st, the’Social Consensus Organization for Countermeasures against Overworked Delivery Workers’ △regulated the classification of delivery as the responsibility of the company △Payment of wages to delivery workers who sorted before the introduction of automated sorting facilities △Worked per week of delivery workers A labor-management agreement was drawn up with the main idea of ​​limiting the time to 60 hours.

However, the courier union announced on the 27th that it will hold a general strike indefinitely from the 29th, saying, “After a social agreement, the representative of the courier service company of Woncheong met with the union representative and requested to sign a labor-management agreement, but they are not responding.

Kim Cheong-hwan reporter

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