“Deliver by stairs” to Gapjil… “I’ll raise the delivery fee there” Eul-Jil?

“You ordered food?” vs. “Don’t push me away.”
Deliverymen (riders) and residents of high-end multi-purpose apartments are controversial. This is as the delivery company is paying higher delivery charges against the tight control of the apartment side. Recently, the constant control of delivery personnel in high-end apartments and the battle against disadvantages of delivery personnel are re-igniting.

On the afternoon of September 6, last year, delivery riders are moving with food on a street in Daejeon.  Central photo

On the afternoon of September 6, last year, delivery riders are moving with food on a street in Daejeon. Central photo

Increased delivery rates for tightly controlled apartments

‘Saenggak-daero’, a delivery agency, increased the delivery fee of Apartment A in Seongdong-gu by 2,000 won from the 18th. As expected, he explained the reason for the increase in delivery charges, saying, “In this apartment, riders are allowed to park their motorcycles outside and use only freight elevators,” and “riders are reluctant to deliver.” Previously, T apartments and G apartments, which were reputed to be difficult to access apartments in the delivery industry, also increased their delivery charges by 1,000 won last year.

As expected, the food delivery agency has raised the delivery fee of Acro Seoul Forest in Seongdong-gu by 2,000 won since the 18th.  Online community capture

As expected, the food delivery agency has raised the delivery fee of Acro Seoul Forest in Seongdong-gu by 2,000 won since the 18th. Online community capture

Kim Mo (38), a delivery man who met in front of an officetel in Dongdaemun-gu, said, “Most high-end apartments on the Yongsan side have to take a freight elevator. It’s because of security, so I can’t help it,” he couldn’t hide his uncomfortable expression. Such high-end apartments are called’avoidable areas’ among delivery workers. Mr. Kim said, “There are no special benefits provided at the company level.”

“Put up the motorcycle and tell him to walk”

Mr. Jeon (36), who travels around Seoul for 12 hours a day and delivers 50 to 60 cases, said, “Even if you give 2,000 won more (high-end apartments that are difficult to enter), you will never go.” Mr. Jeon said, “There are places where people tell you to use stairs to deliver delivery, or leave your motorcycle in a distant place and walk because it is noisy,” he said. did.

Yogiyo, a delivery platform company, said, “There are other premiums for weather such as heavy snow, but there is no separate offer for places where delivery is difficult.” As a result, it is said that riders are avoiding each other by sharing information about the avoided areas. According to the online rider community, “OO Department Store does not allow motorcycles to be placed on flower beds next to stairs. The OO building also needs to use a freight elevator.” There was also a comment saying, “I’ve been there,” “notorious”.

“There is also public opinion thinking of the delivery agency”

Mr. A, who runs a delivery agency in Mapo-gu, Seoul, said, “Since it is a system that holds each delivery, we cannot force us to go.” He said, “It is forbidden to enter motorcycles, so if you park your motorcycle in a space such as a nearby fast food store and walk in, the time of 10 to 20 minutes will double.”

Some point out that it is the delivery man’s’Eulgil’ rather than the’GapJil’ of a tricky apartment. Some netizens say, “It is bad to blame the security policy of the apartment.” An official at the high-end residential-commercial apartment said, “There is a security request from some residents who complain of fear when delivery workers wear black helmets.” He also said, “There was public opinion that the deliveryman should use the elevator together,” he said. “If such people have to pay more for delivery, it would be a bit unfair.”

A delivery worker in downtown Seoul is preparing for delivery on December 27, last year, a day before the enforcement of the guidelines for protection of food delivery workers for motorcycles, which stipulates legal compliance and recommendations for delivery-related business owners.  Newsis

A delivery worker in downtown Seoul is preparing for delivery on December 27, last year, a day before the enforcement of the guidelines for protection of food delivery workers for motorcycles, which stipulates legal compliance and recommendations for delivery-related business owners. Newsis

Need for agreement between tenants

Rider Union Chairman Park Jung-hoon said, “It is not unreasonable for the delivery agency to raise the fee for leaving the motorcycle and walking because of security concerns.” “The freight elevator is a problem of personality rather than a problem of cost,” he criticized, saying, “Because there is no justification for a security issue, it is excessive.” Chairman Park said, “If some residents get angry when asked to pick up food on the first floor as an alternative. There was,” he said, “because the tenants could not agree, it led to a quarrel between security workers and delivery workers, and the problem could not be resolved.”

Professor Kim Bum-jung of the Department of Social Welfare at Chung-Ang University said, “It is also necessary for the delivery union or delivery agency to strongly refuse delivery for the purpose of protection,” said Kim Bum-jung, a professor of social welfare at Chung-Ang University. It looks like you need this.”

Reporter Ham Min-jung [email protected]
