Delay’s “Situation Requested for Multiple Threats and Formal Investigation through SNS” [전문]

Ji-yeon announced that he was being threatened with murder. Partners Park provided

Singer and actor Ji Ji Ji announced that they were being threatened with murder.

On the 24th, Ji-yeon’s agency Partners Park said, “Currently, Ji-yeon is being publicly threatened with murder multiple times through SNS from an unknown person.

Partners Park said, “We are currently collecting all the evidence, and considering the safety of delays as our top priority, we have made a formal request for investigation to the police. In addition, we are making every effort to stabilize our psychologically as we are concerned about the situation of delays, which will have a great emotional shock. He said, “We will look at this case seriously and respond strongly.”

Meanwhile, Ji-yeon debuted as a tiara and has been engaged in various activities recently. He appeared in the 2019 drama “Listen to Your Songs,” and last year in the entertainment show “On and Off.”

▶ The official position of Partners Park below.

This is Jiyeon’s agency Partners Park.

Currently, Ji-yeon is being threatened with murder multiple times publicly via Twitter and Instagram from an unidentified person.

Accordingly, the agency is currently collecting all the evidence and has made a formal request to the police for investigation, considering the safety of delays as the top priority.

In addition, we are making every effort to stabilize psychologically as we are concerned about the situation of delay, where the emotional shock is significant.

Partners Park will take a strict look at this incident and will respond strongly.

Hoyeon Lee reporter

News directly edited by the Hankook Ilbo can also be viewed on Naver.
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