Deferred judgment of LG Athlete’s abuse… Difficulty checking facts

The Doosan team said, “Disagreement between the victims and the players…We should investigate as neutrally as possible.”

LG reserves judgment on the'harmful abuse' of its players...  Difficulty checking facts (total)

The pro baseball LG Twins held back the judgment of the club’s players who were suspicious of violating their co-workers when they were in school.

The LG club reported on the 1st that it had interviewed with the club’s players who were allegedly accused as perpetrators of school violence, met with those who were alleging the damage, and carefully checked the facts through various channels to understand the situation at the time. Announced.

He also revealed that when the testimony of officials at the time was synthesized, it was largely contradicted by the victim’s claim, and it was concluded that it is difficult to confirm the facts at the moment.

He added that he decided to withhold the judgment and wait for the result until all procedures to clarify the facts through the legal response of the athlete are completed.

Mr. A, who played in the baseball club in high school, claimed to the baseball-related internet community on the 21st of last month, “As a one-year junior in high school of B and C, we suffered from school abuse.”

Mr. A also revealed his name and the names of two seniors currently playing in professional baseball.

One was from LG and the other from Doosan Bears.

The two clubs immediately met their own club players to find out the truth, and the players denied the charges.

The two teams also met with victims and people around them who were familiar with the situation at the time to investigate the situation.

However, due to the limitations of the club investigation, the possibility of relying on the judgment of the law increased.

The LG club pledged to do its utmost in its social responsibility to prevent school violence as an act that should not and must be eradicated against school violence, which is the center of social issues.

In addition, he added that he will make every effort at the club level through education and guidance to eradicate all violence issues, including school violence, and to establish a team culture that cares for colleagues and opponents at the same time.

The Doosan team said, “We are investigating it closely as we judged it to be a sensitive issue.

I will try to be as neutral and objective as possible.” “I met the party and family to hear the story, and I also interviewed the player (designated as the perpetrator).

The arguments of both sides are contradictory.

People around me are also investigating,” he said.

/yunhap news
