Defense Minister Seo-wook, who is different from Lee In-young, “preparing to conduct joint training between Korea and the United States”

Defense Minister Seo-wook said about the combined military exercises between the ROK and the United States scheduled for March, “From the perspective of the military, we are preparing one by one with the idea of ​​conducting combined exercises.”

Defense Minister Seo-wook is making a remark at a New Year's conference with an entrance reporter at the Ministry of National Defense on the 27th.  [국방일보]

Defense Minister Seo-wook is making a remark at a New Year’s conference with an entrance reporter at the Ministry of National Defense on the 27th. [국방일보]

On the 27th, at the New Year’s conference with the Ministry of Defense reporters. The ROK-US holds joint training once every year in the first half and the second half. In the case of this year, the two countries are in coordination over a plan to confirm the first half of the joint training schedule from March 8 to 18.

Minister Seo’s remarks that he would conduct joint training were different from that of Unification Minister Lee In-young on the 25th. Minister Lee said at the time, “I look forward to finding a solution wisely and flexibly so as not to lead to serious military tensions.” Minister Lee interpreted the need to reduce or stop joint training.

Minister Seo emphasized, “The first half of the combined training is not a real soldier maneuvering training (training in which real troops move in the field), but a defensive command post exercise through computer simulation.” He added that, on the premise that North Korea responds to the South-North Military Joint Commission, “we can consult according to the principle of reciprocity.”

However, this year, the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is a variable. The combined training in the first half of last year was virtually canceled due to concerns about the spread of Corona 19, and the scale was reduced in the second half. Minister Seo said, “We will comprehensively consider the situation, such as Corona 19,” and “I will show the tricks of organizing a group or operating a command post without gathering personnel closely.”

Secretary Seo also commented on the missiles that were unveiled at the ceremony on October and 14 of last year, “North Korea’s new short-range missiles can be sufficiently detected and intercepted.” It is being analyzed, but we will make up for the shortcomings.”

Ministry of National Defense Joint Interview Group, reporter Lee Cheol-jae [email protected]
