Israel declares’collective immunity’, conducts outdoor mask-off experiment
Kim Eun-ji, reporter at [email protected] | 2021-04-05 10:50:02

Israeli soldiers are waiting to vote for the general election on March 17 (local time). EPA Yonhap News
The Israeli Army (IDF), who declared’collective immunity’ through the Corona 19 vaccination, is conducting an experiment to remove the mask, which is a means of personal quarantine.
According to local media such as the Jerusalem Post on the 4th (local time), the Israeli Ministry of Health and military authorities will begin testing non-wearing masks in some units from the 5th.
The test subjects were units with more than 90% of the total medical history, one week after completing the second dose of the Corona 19 vaccine or the proportion of soldiers who recovered after infection.
Specifically, in these units, soldiers will not wear masks during field training and activities for the next three months. However, military authorities emphasized that they wear masks during indoor training and activities.
The military authorities can report the corona19 infection status of the unit to be tested on a weekly basis, and continue the experiment only if the incidence rate remains below the standard value. If the number of confirmed cases increases rapidly, the situation should be reported immediately and the experiment should be stopped.
In addition, the Israeli Ministry of Health emphasized that the general public should continue to wear a mask regardless of whether or not they were vaccinated.
Earlier, on the 11th of last month, the Israeli military declared that it reached mass immunity, saying that 81% of the total number of people who had completed vaccination and who had recovered after COVID-19 infection reached 81%.
In Israel, more than 5257,000 people, over 56% of the total population (about 9.3 million), have completed the first dose of the Corona 19 vaccine, and about 4816,000 people, close to 52%, have completed the second dose.
Kim Eun-ji, reporter at [email protected]