“Declaration of war for face-to-face worship”… Pastors and believers meeting in Busan

Most of the nation emphasized church participation, but only part of it


Some churches have declared an all-out war when the government prevented gatherings of worship due to concerns about Corona 19 Today (7th) pastors and believers gathered in Busan and held a meeting, saying it was a place to declare war. The quarantine authorities are in a position that they will close the church unless they continue to follow the guidelines.

This is reporter Yoon Doo-yeol.


Pastors and believers from all over the country gathered in Busan.

A meeting is held asking for in-person worship.

[손현보/부산 세계로교회 담임목사 : 자유 없는 세상에 사는 것은 코로나 있는 세상보다 천만 배는 더 위험하다고 생각합니다. 맞습니다.]

However, there were dozens of confirmed patients during face-to-face worship at this meeting, and the pastor of the church, who also had Corona 19, also attended.

[서울지역 교회 담임목사 : 또 예배를 드렸는데 확진자가 또 나왔어요. 두 번이죠. 코로나 방역보다 헌법에 보장된 종교의 자유가 우선이다. 예배는 목숨 걸고 할 가치가 있습니다.]

They announced that it was held in 17 metropolitan cities and 226 cities, districts, and counties.

He added that it was a place to declare war for face-to-face worship.

However, the Christian Federations across the country said it had nothing to do with them.

[OO시 기독교총연합회 : 보긴 봤습니다. 봤는데…저희에게 연락이 온 것도 없었고요. 저희를 통해서 가신 분은 없습니다.]

As it turned out, it was a voluntary organization in which some churches and a few pastors participated.

Pastors with strong conservative tendencies participated.

The quarantine authorities also watched this meeting.

If the in-person worship service is opened, it will be closed, and a tough response has been announced.

In fact, a church in Seo-gu, Busan, has been suspended for 10 days starting today.

It is the place where the charges were accused seven times during in-person worship.

The quarantine authorities have decided to shut down the church as soon as the church enforces a face-to-face service this Sunday.
