Davos Forum acting again… “Singapore held in August”

World Economic Forum (WEF) logo [사진 출처 = 세계경제포럼(WEF) 홈페이지]

picture explanationWorld Economic Forum (WEF) logo [사진 출처 = 세계경제포럼(WEF) 홈페이지]

The World Economic Forum (WEF Davos Forum) delayed the schedule of this year’s annual meeting to August once more as the spread of Corona 19 did not stop.

On the 3rd (local time), WEF announced that it will change the schedule of this year’s annual meeting, aka the Davos Forum, to Singapore on August 17-20. Previously, WEF announced that the meeting held in Davos, Switzerland’s ski resort every January, will be held in Singapore from May 25 to 28 in the aftermath of Corona 19. However, as the spread of Corona 19 did not subside and countries tightened travel restrictions and immigration regulations, the schedule was delayed again.

Klaus Schwab, the founder of WEF, said, “The meeting of global leaders requires all stakeholders to participate. We hope that this August special meeting in Singapore will be a place where companies, governments, and civil society together discuss measures for global recovery. “He said.

Meanwhile, WEF held an online form of’Davos Agenda 2021′ during the initial annual meeting held last month. Major political and business leaders in each country under the theme of’A Critical Year for Rebuilding Trust’ on the 25th and 30th of last month △Responsible Industrial Transformation △Strengthening of Global Commitment △Sustainable and Resilient Economic System △Utilization of 4th Industrial Revolution Technology △ Discussed development of global and regional cooperation.

[신혜림 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
