Daily life for four days after symptom onset… Late prosecutor, Bucheon Yeongsaenggyo school and academy infection increase

Input 2021.02.10 22:03

Amid the outbreak of a coronavirus infection at a religious facility and a nursing academy in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, it is pointed out that a late test of the indicator patient who showed symptoms for the first time caused the group infection.

On the 9th, an administrative order to ban gathering is affixed to a religious facility in Goean-dong, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do. /yunhap news

According to the city of Bucheon on the 10th, the indicator patient of the Seungri Altar facility in Goean-dong Yeongsaenggyo and Ohjeong-dong Ability Training Academy, where there were more than 90 confirmed cases of Corona 19, is Mr. A, an instructor in the 50s.

Mr. A had symptoms such as coughing and muscle pain on the 3rd, but living without suspicion of infection was confirmed on the 8th after a specimen examination on the 7th. There is a possibility of corona infection, but I lived my daily life for four days.

Mr. A stayed at the men’s dormitory at the Seungri Altar and worked at the corresponding tutoring academy. The dormitory was a structure where two to three people lived together in a closed room.

The quarantine authorities estimate that the infection spread within four days, considering the fact that Mr. A showed symptoms such as fever from the 3rd and the 6th.

To date, a total of 59 confirmed patients have been confirmed in the dormitories of men and women in religious facilities, clothing manufacturer Bokwang Fashion, and orchestra related to the Seungri Altar. In the male dormitory, more than 70% of all 21 residents were confirmed.

Regarding the institute, 26 students and 8 family members were infected. There are only 37 cases of cumulative confirmed cases so far, including three confirmed previously confirmed by Mr. The quarantine authorities are conducting epidemiological investigations assuming that the infection originating from Mr. A has spread to the native family through the native.

The problem is that the infection that started with Mr. A is likely to continue to spread. From the 18th of last month, Seungri Altar resumed activities such as worship in accordance with the government policy that allowed up to 10% of the total seats in the metropolitan area.

The quarantine authorities have fully inspected 107 of the 139 members of the Victory Altar. Of the remaining 32, five are in other regions and will be tested locally. However, 27 untested people refused to receive the test or answer the phone, saying they have not been to the facility for a long time.

Bucheon Mayor Jang Deok-cheon said, “Because of the academy instructor A, who had symptoms from the beginning of February, there is a possibility that an additional confirmed person may come out.” said.
