Daewoong Pharmaceutical, “We will lead the post-corona era with constant innovation”

Global new drug development results such as COVID-19 treatment and first-in-class new drugs will be visible
To become a global leader in K-Pharma by strengthening R&D capabilities through open innovation

Daewoong Pharmaceutical (CEO Jeon Seung-ho) held an online New Year’s Opening Ceremony on the morning of the 4th and pledged to focus its company-wide capabilities to break through the unprecedented crisis caused by Corona 19.

Photo. Online opening ceremony for 2021

President Seung-ho Jeon said in his New Year’s address, “In 2020, we achieved solid results through the continued growth of’Nabota’ and the expansion of each business, such as ETC and OTC, despite various difficult business environments.” Also, in the rapidly changed environment due to Corona 19, let’s achieve continuous innovation to achieve the’Global 2025 Vision’ and increase sales.”

As Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s management policy in 2021, the former president presented ▲Customer Value Improvement ▲Global Innovative New Drug Development ▲K-Pharma Global Leadership ▲Talent Development Leading Challenges and Changes.

President Jeon emphasized, “We must become a company that is trusted by customers and sees problems from the perspective of customers. We must not forget that securing outstanding drug efficacy and safety is the top priority of pharmaceutical companies.” In addition, “This year will be a year when the achievements of Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s new drug development are fully visible,” he said. Reflozin’, a new drug for refractory fibrosis, and a new drug for autoimmune diseases, etc., and a variety of new drug pipelines will strengthen their capabilities so that they can play an active part as a blockbuster recognized in the global market.”

In addition, “We will reinforce our R&D capabilities, a growth engine, and leap forward as a Korean global company through continuous open innovation that can create new values” and “Continuously disseminating examples of changing the way of thinking, awakening challenges and changes, and employees themselves. Through constant learning, we will grow into talented people with the best competence in a rapidly changing era.”

Lastly, the former president quoted the adage,’If you go alone, you can go fast, but if you go together, you can go far.’ If we all look in one direction and go together through constant innovation and challenge, We will be able to firmly establish itself as a representative pharmaceutical company.”

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