Daewoong Pharmaceutical confirms the effect of Hoystar tablet COVID-19 treatment in Phase 2a clinical trial

Input 2020.12.23 14:47

Daewoong Pharmaceutical announced on the 23rd that it has “confirmed its potential as a therapeutic agent” by revealing the results of the Phase 2a clinical topline on the treatment effect of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) of’Hoy Star Tablet’.

/Daewoong Pharmaceutical

Seoul National University professor Oh Myung-don and researchers from 13 institutions participated in this clinical trial. A total of 89 corona19 mild and asymptomatic patients were subjected to a placebo-controlled, randomized, and double-blinded clinical trial. A total of 81 patients (41 patients in the Hoystar group and 40 patients in the placebo group) excluding the dropouts were analyzed for clinical efficacy and safety.

According to Daewoong Pharmaceutical, the time taken from clinical to’viral negative prevalence’, which is the main evaluation variable, was not statistically significant, but the rate of virus removal tended to be faster in the Hoystar group than in the placebo group. Daewoong Pharmaceutical said, “This is a remarkable result considering that the mechanism of action of Hoystar is the mechanism that blocks the entry of the virus into the cell.”

The time it took for the patient’s clinical symptoms to improve was also faster in the Hoystar group. As the result of improvement of the symptom scale is of great clinical significance, it is planned to proceed with detailed analysis.

Seung-ho Jeon, president of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, said, “It has been confirmed that self-treatment can be possible only by taking Hoystar tablets in this clinical phase 2a. As we have already prepared for phase 2b/3 clinical trials, we quickly drew the same results in large-scale patients in 2021. “We will secure the results of phase 3 clinical trials within the first half of this year.”

Meanwhile, Daewoong Pharmaceutical started clinical trials on 1,000 mildly ill patients with approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety on December 17 for the merger of Phase 2 clinical trials of Hoy Star into phase 2/3.

Reporter Kim Yeon-ji [email protected]

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