Daejeon Jung-gu Office “It is not a violation of lawmaker Hwang Unha quarantine regulations”

Daejeon Jung-gu Office announced on the 3rd that it has concluded that it has not violated the quarantine rules of’prohibition of gatherings of more than 5 people’ against Hwang Unha and Democratic Party lawmaker, who is self-isolating after eating with a corona19 confirmed.

On December 26, 2020, Rep. Hwang ate at a restaurant in Jung-gu, Daejeon, with three people, former Mayor Yeom Hong-cheol, and a local businessperson. However, suspicions were raised over the number of attendees. There was a suspicion that it violated the’prohibition of gathering more than 5 people’ by having 6 people eaten from one room to the next table and a group of 3 people at 2 tables.

Daejeon Jung-gu Office said, “As a result of the on-site investigation, the two tables were separately booked, and it was confirmed that the access time slot and the payer were different.” “He said.

Specifically, Hwang’s team (three) made a reservation at 6pm, and the other team (three) made a reservation at 6:30pm, making it difficult to see each other as the same party.

Earlier, Rep. Hwang claimed that there was no violation of the rules, saying, “The three customers at the table next to them are separate customers who visited the restaurant.”

Rep. Hwang said through Facebook on the 2nd that “some media are wasting time trying to clarify this misleading report.”

On December 26, 2020, Congressman Hwang ate with Yeom Hong-cheol, former mayor of Daejeon, at a restaurant room in Jung-gu, Daejeon. One of these was confirmed. The remaining five people, including Congressman Hwang, who were in the same room, were tested for Corona 19 as close contacts, but all were negative and are in self-isolation.
