Daejeon apartment prices Yuseong-gu-Daedeok-gu up to 790 million won gap

The gap between the original city center and the new city center up to KRW 800 million
Sales price Yuseong·Seo·Middle·Dong·Daedeok-gu 順

[충청투데이 이정훈 기자] Last year, the price gap between high-priced apartments and low-priced apartments across the country widened the largest ever, and the phenomenon of apartment prices in Daejeon is intensifying.

In Daejeon, the largest gap in apartment prices between the so-called original downtown and the new downtown reached 800 million won, and the phenomenon of local wealth formation is accelerating.

According to the actual transaction price disclosure system by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the 27th, a total of 2431 apartment sales transactions were made in the Daejeon area as of December last year. Looking at the number of apartments (all areas) sold by autonomous district and average value, △Dong-gu 308 cases, average 235.96 million won △ Jung-gu 305 cases, average 265.18 million won △ Seo-gu 884 cases, average 335.94 million won △ Yuseong-gu 683 cases, average 380,000 won △Daedeok-gu 251 cases, the average was found to be 198.19 million won.

Looking at the apartment sales price alone, it appears in the order of Yuseong-gu → Seo-gu → Jung-gu → Dong-gu → Daedeok-gu, showing the difference between the original city center and the new city center. The polarization phenomenon is more pronounced when it is divided into apartments that are more than 60 m² and less than 85 m², which are spotlighted in the real estate market.

Photo = Yonhap News
Photo = Yonhap News

In the case of Dong-gu, there were 149 apartment transactions for that area, with an average of 298.71 million won. The maximum transaction price was confirmed to be 647 million won (84.98㎡). In Jung-gu, 134 transactions were made, with an average of 3222.9 million won and a maximum of 750 million won (84.99㎡) for apartment sales. The West showed 409 transactions, an average of 440 million won, and the maximum transaction price of 910 million won (84.38㎡). In the case of Yuseong-gu, a total of 335 apartment sales were made, with an average of 475.95 million won and a maximum of 1.3 billion won (84.99㎡). In Daedeok-gu, apartments were sold for 99 transactions, an average of 228.13 million won, and a maximum of 510 million won (74.9㎡).

When comparing the Yuseong-gu apartment and Daedeok-gu apartment, which were traded at the highest price, a difference of 790 million won was found. When looking at the’Monthly Housing Price Trend Time Series’ released by KB Kookmin Bank that day, the Daejeon area was also found to have the highest difference in prices between high-priced and low-priced housing among the seven metropolitan cities nationwide. As of December last year, the national apartment quintile ratio was 8.5, the highest since December 2008 (8.1), when the related statistical survey began. The quintile multiplier is the value divided by the average price of the top 20% (5th quintile) divided by the average price of the bottom 20% (1 quintile) by dividing houses into 5th place in order of price. The higher this magnification, the greater the price difference. The quintile ratio of each region was Daejeon (5.7), followed by Ulsan (5.4), Gwangju-Busan (5.3), Gyeonggi (4.8), Daegu (4.6), Seoul (4.2), and Incheon (3.9).

An official in the real estate industry said, “Recently, house prices have risen due to various developmental goods in the original city center, but the gap between the original city center and the new city center is not narrowing.” “We need to take measures.”

Reporter Jeonghoon Lee [email protected]

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