Daegu restaurant controversial over the road and controversial “Dog xx”

A view of a restaurant near Daesil Station, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, which is causing controversy over profanity. Reporter Kim Jae-hyun

When a video of a Daegu restaurant owner blocking the middle of the road and swearing at a driver of a vehicle following him spread over the Internet, the restaurant lowered the signboard and deleted all information related to the online store.

According to the automobile online community on the 24th, Mr. A said swear words on the 22nd, saying, ‘What could happen to you, please look, it’s unfair’, because a nearby restaurant owner parked his car across the central line and obstructed the passage. Claimed to have done.

According to Mr. A, while going to a restaurant in Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, around 3:15 pm on the 19th, a Rexton vehicle blocked the middle of the road and loaded his luggage, so he hit the horn for a short time. It sounds like a horn, but when I load my luggage, he pushes it with his body, saying, “It’s XX, dog XX.”

Mr. A said, “We were disappointed that the merchants around us were just looking at them.”

As the controversy spread, the restaurant closed the store sign and stopped business on the 23rd. In addition, all store information registered on famous portal sites and delivery apps has also been deleted. At one time, there were thousands of review comments criticizing the restaurant owner, and it ranked number one in real-time search terms. The phone number of the restaurant is also showing up because there is no number.

A note is posted in the restaurant criticizing the owner’s behavior, and Internet broadcasting BJs, such as YouTubers, are also gathering to broadcast.

A memo criticizing the business owner is posted outside a restaurant in Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, which is causing controversy over profanity. Reader provided

A nearby resident said, “I don’t understand how to park a vehicle over the central line and get out as a red carpet decoration.” I’m worried that it’s not one.”

Daegu= Jaehyun Kim reporter

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