Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin meets President Yoon, speaking while handing a bouquet of flowers

Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin SNS [인스타그램 캡쳐]

Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin SNS [인스타그램 캡쳐]

“I support and cheer.”
Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin posted such support on his social network service (SNS) along with a photo of delivering a bouquet to Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who visited the Daegu Prosecutor’s Office on the 3rd.

Mayor Kwon emphasized on SNS, “I welcome Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol’s visit to Daegu,” and “I hope that the president’s efforts to protect the constitution and rule of law are not lonely.” He added, “I support and support as one of the people.”

President Yoon visited Daegu High School and District Prosecutors’ Office on a nationwide tour around 2 pm on this day. Mayor Kwon arrived at the Daegu Prosecutors’ Office in advance before Yoon’s arrival and waited for him. Mayor Kwon and President Yoon handed a bouquet of flowers and greeted each other as much as they shook hands. Mayor Kwon said that while shaking hands, he told General Yoon the words he posted on social media. The secretaries who watched the scene said that Yoon expressed his gratitude, “Thank you for coming out.”

The Daegu City side said, “Usually, when the prosecutor general visits Daegu, he has a meal or tea time with the mayor of Daegu.

When Yoon arrived at the Daegu Prosecutor’s Office, supporters who named Yoon’s name gathered. Yoon told reporters, “This is the first time I started my social life as a late prosecutor 27 years ago. I used to be a prosecutor here, and it is my hometown that held me warmly for a year during a difficult time a few years ago. “I came back five years ago after leaving, and I felt special and felt like I came to my hometown.”

Daegu = Reporter Yunho Kim
[email protected]
