Daegu home sales in November surged on average by 36% from the previous month in Daegu…only Suseong-gu decreased

Daegu area averaged 36% increase from the previous month
Junggu 118%… Nearly 80% of North Achievement
The lowest increase rate of Dalseo-gu is also 30%↑
Monthly rent transaction volume continues to decline

Suseong-gu “The house price goes up more”
Expecting further increase
17.18% decrease in transactions due to a sharp decline in sales
“Possibility of moving to other regions of atmospheric demand”

Last month, while the volume of home sales in Daegu increased dramatically, only the volume of transactions in Suseong-gu decreased. The expectation that housing prices in Suseong-gu will increase further due to overheating in the real estate market seems to be the cause of the decline in housing transactions in Suseong-gu.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Korea Real Estate Agency Statistical Information System (R-ONE) on the 24th, the number of home sales in Daegu last month was 7,601, 35.8% from the previous month (5,597 cases), and the same month (4,626 cases). It increased by 64.31%. This is a high figure compared to the fact that during the same period, the nationwide home sales volume (116,000 cases) increased 26.3% from the previous month (92,769 cases) and 34.8% from the same month last year (92,413 cases).

Last month, however, the volume of home sales in Suseong-gu was 1,161, down 17.18% from the previous month (1,402). The local housing construction industry is blaming homeowners’ reluctance to sell their homes due to the soaring housing sales in Suseong-gu, and consumers’ feelings of financial burden.

Regional Sales Agency <주>Rico R&D CEO Hyung-Gil Jeon said, “There was a phenomenon in which landlords were taking out their sales, such as cases of breaking sales contracts due to the surge in housing prices in Suseong-gu.” It seems to be,” he analyzed. He added, “There is a possibility that some demands have moved to non-Suseong-gu due to high house prices in Suseong-gu.”

In November, except for Suseong-gu, home sales across Daegu increased significantly from the previous month. Jung-gu (118.39%), Buk-gu (79.7%), Dalseong-gun (78.01%), Dong-gu (49.86%), Seo-gu (31.53%), Nam-gu (30.24%), and Dalseo-gu (29.64%) in that order.

During this period, the number of home sales in Gyeongbuk was 6,192, up 51.20% from the previous month (4,95 cases) and 70.39% from the same month last year (3,634 cases).

On the other hand, it is analyzed that Daegu cheonsei transaction volume has decreased, indicating the recent cheonsei crisis as an indicator. Last month, Daegu’s monthly rent transaction volume was 5,107 cases, down 5.8% from the previous month (5,423 cases) and 5.6% from the same month last year (5,409 cases). During the same period, the monthly rent transaction volume in Gyeongsangbuk-do was 3,517, an increase of 2.8% from the previous month (3,422), but a 3.4% decrease from the same month last year (3,640).
Reporter Lim Hoon [email protected]
