“Dad’s a beggar shit tea” McLaren’s online noisy over suspicion

McLaren [※ 사진은 기사와 직접 적인 상관 없음]

picture explanationMcLaren [※ 사진은 기사와 직접 적인 상관 없음]

In Haeundae-gu, Busan, a lawsuit was filed that a supercar driver was driving retaliation with insulting words, and the police investigated.

According to an online community on the 22nd, an article titled’Gapjil McLaren in Haeundae, Busan’ recently posted.

Author A claimed, “While returning home with three children at 7 pm on the 13th, I had a quarrel with a supercar, and I was hurt.”

Mr. A said, “McLaren suddenly intervened in an alleyway with a rapid roaring noise, and then he shook his face through the sunroof and said to the children,’Guys, your father is a beggar. “Tara` and repeatedly swearing and returning back,” he insisted.

When this article became controversial in the community, Mr. McLaren Cha Joo B posted a rebuttal.

Mr. B said, “My car roared at a high speed and stopped suddenly, but this is not true and I entered slowly,” he said. “The mini-driver behind me stopped my car and stepped on a sudden brake in order not to get out of the car.” Insisted.

“A’s first swearing, so I couldn’t control my emotions, so I swear together.” So, it seems like I was stimulating to say that I live like a beggar,” he posted.

Mr. A is in a state of suing Mr. B on charges such as blackmailing at the Haeundae Police Station.


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