Cyprin Wins World Cup Ski Women’s Spin… Most wins alone, 3rd place

Cyprin wins Alpine World Cup ski women's spin
Cyprin wins Alpine World Cup ski women’s spin

(Flachau AP = Yonhap News) Mikeila Cyprin (26, USA), who won the FIS Alpine World Cup Women’s Spinning Competition held in Flachau, Austria on the 12th (local time), is holding a trophy. On this day, he recorded a total of 1 minute, 47 seconds and 92 in the first and second matches, ranking first and achieving his 68th victory in his career. As a result, Cyprin became the third place alone for the most wins of both men and women. Currently, the first place in this category is 86 wins by Ingemar Stenmark (Sweden) in the men’s division and 82 wins by Lindsey Vaughn (USA) in the women’s division in second place. [email protected]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Dong-chan = Michaela Cyprin (26, USA) achieved her 68th victory in the International Ski Federation (FIS) Alpine World Cup.

Cyprin won the 2020-2021 FIS World Cup Alpine Women’s Spinning Competition held in Flachau, Austria on the 12th (local time) with a total of 1 minute, 47 seconds and 92 in the first and second rounds.

Cyprin, who beat second place Katarina Linsberger (Austria) by 0.19 seconds, reached the top of the World Cup for the second time this season after the pre-game match in December last year.

Cyprin also increased the number of World Cup wins in her career to 68, making it the third place for the most wins of both men and women.

The first place in this category was 86 wins by Ingemar Stenmark (Sweden) in the men’s division, and 82 wins by Lindsey Vaughn (USA) in the women’s division in second place.

Before the match, Cyprin was tied for third place with 67 wins with Marcel Hirscher (Austria).

Cyprin celebrates the championship
Cyprin celebrates the championship


Since Stenmark, Bonn, and Hirscher are all retired players, it is very likely that Cyprin will be the number one in his career within a few years.

As active players, Alexi Penturo (France) in the men’s division has 33 wins and Lara Gut (Switzerland) in the women’s division is following Cyprin with 27 wins.

Cyprin won 11, 12, and 17 wins every season for three years from 2017 to 2019.

Last season, many competitions were canceled due to a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), and Cyprin also ended the season early after losing his father in February last year, winning only 6 wins.

Cyprin also won the same day and achieved the 100th third place in the World Cup. This is the 5th record in the women’s career.

The highest ranking in the 3rd place was Stanmark’s 155 times for men and 137 times for women.

Cyprin, whose main sport is spin and competition, won the World Cup spin in about 13 months after the Austrian tournament at the end of December 2019.

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