Cumulative vaccination for two days ‘20,000 people↑’… Speed ​​up after the holidays

The coronavirus vaccination began last Friday, and until last weekend the vaccination was going without major problems. By yesterday (28th), more than 20,000 people had been vaccinated. Since today is also a holiday, the vaccination rate will be a little faster from tomorrow after the holiday season.

Reporter Choi Ho-won reports.


Yesterday’s COVID-19 vaccination was targeted to more than 200 people, including the National Medical Center and a hospital dedicated to coronavirus in the metropolitan area.

It was a vaccine using Pfizer’s vaccine, but the vaccinators did not show any major abnormalities.

[박유리/국립중앙의료원 간호사 : 맞기 전에는 긴장하고 갔는데, 맞고 나서는 특별한 증상이 없으니까 다들 안심하는 것 같아요.]

AstraZeneca vaccine on the 26th of last month and Pfizer vaccine on the 27th, 2,322 people have been vaccinated in the first two days.

Yesterday’s number of vaccinations will be announced this afternoon.

At the Central Vaccination Center, which is vaccinated by Pfizer vaccine, up to 7 people were vaccinated per bottle of vaccine.

Pfizer vaccine is officially available to inoculate up to 6 people per bottle, but up to 7 people can be vaccinated by skilled medical staff using a special domestic syringe.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said that it does not consider increasing the number of officially recommended vaccinations because each hospital has different medical capabilities.

Health authorities plan to reduce vaccinations in nursing hospitals and facilities using the AstraZeneca vaccine to some extent.

This is because it is difficult to prepare for emergencies such as severe abnormal symptoms with only the medical staff who have shortened the holiday season.

However, from tomorrow when the medical system operates normally, we plan to increase the rate of vaccination again.

Pfizer vaccinations for corona 19 treatment medical staff will also be expanded to regional centers such as Chungcheong, Yeongnam and Honam from tomorrow.
