Cryptocurrency Endor 109 won5912 Trading | Korea Economy TV

Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Endor, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Spendcoin, Thetafuel, Zilica, EOS, Ada, Cyrin Token, Stellar Lumen, Polymath, Bitcoin SV

[표]Virtual currency market price (provided by: Cryptocurrency Exchange Upbit)

According to the current cryptocurrency exchange “Upbit”, the market price of bitcoin, a cryptocurrency ledger, is trading at 29,840,000 won, up 462,000 won (1.57%) from the previous day.

Excluding Bitcoin, cryptocurrency trends are predominantly rising.

There are a total of 10 cryptocurrencies showing an upward trend, of which Endor, which shows the biggest increase, is trading at 10.9 won, up 59.12% from the previous day.

In addition, Spendcoin (22.3%, 5.54 won), Ethereum (8.41%, 765,700 won), Bitcoin Cash (7.92%, 386,900 won), EOS (6.72%, 3,095 won), Polymath (3.83%, 89.5 won) Won), Bitcoin SV (3.06%, 188,500 won), Litecoin (1.46%, 145,900 won), Stellar Lumen (1.23%, 164 won), and Ada (0.57%, 177 won) showed an uptrend.

Cryptocurrency showing a decline is a total of 4 stocks, of which Thetafuel, which shows the biggest decline, is trading at 31.1 won, down -20.05% from the previous day.

In addition, Zillika (-4.3%, 91.3 won), Syrin Token (-0.34%, 28.9 won), and Ripple (-0.31%, 326 won) showed a decline.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum are the most active in the order of transaction amount.

Lionbot Reporter -Korea Economic Daily TV
※ This article was written in real time by Korea Economic Daily TV and’Thinkful, a financial AI company.

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